A Famous Security Bug
(too old to reply)
Stefan Ram
2024-03-20 18:18:37 UTC
A "famous security bug":

void f( void )
{ char buffer[ MAX ];
/* . . . */
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer )); }

. Can you see what the bug is?

(I have already read the answer; I post it as a pastime.)
Kaz Kylheku
2024-03-20 18:54:18 UTC
Post by Stefan Ram
void f( void )
{ char buffer[ MAX ];
/* . . . */
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer )); }
. Can you see what the bug is?
I don't know about "the bug", but conditions can be identified under
which that would have a problem executing, like MAX being in excess
of available automatic storage.

If the /*...*/ comment represents the elision of some security sensitive
code, where the memset is intended to obliterate secret information,
of course, that obliteration is not required to work.

After the memset, the buffer has no next use, so the all the assignments
performed by memset to the bytes of buffer are dead assignments that can
be elided.

To securely clear memory, you have to use a function for that purpose
that is not susceptible to optimization.

If you're not doing anything stupid, like link time optimization, an
external function in another translation unit (a function that the
compiler doesn't recognize as being an alias or wrapper for memset)
ought to suffice.
TXR Programming Language: http://nongnu.org/txr
Cygnal: Cygwin Native Application Library: http://kylheku.com/cygnal
Mastodon: @***@mstdn.ca
Scott Lurndal
2024-03-20 19:38:57 UTC
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Stefan Ram
void f( void )
{ char buffer[ MAX ];
/* . . . */
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer )); }
. Can you see what the bug is?
I don't know about "the bug", but conditions can be identified under
which that would have a problem executing, like MAX being in excess
of available automatic storage.
Perhaps Stephan is under the mistaken assumption that
'buffer' devolves to a type of 'char *' when used
with the sizeof operator.
Keith Thompson
2024-03-20 21:20:50 UTC
Post by Scott Lurndal
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Stefan Ram
void f( void )
{ char buffer[ MAX ];
/* . . . */
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer )); }
. Can you see what the bug is?
I don't know about "the bug", but conditions can be identified under
which that would have a problem executing, like MAX being in excess
of available automatic storage.
Perhaps Stephan is under the mistaken assumption that
'buffer' devolves to a type of 'char *' when used
with the sizeof operator.
That was my first thought, but I think the idea (not clearly stated) is
that the /* . . . */ code stores sensitive information in buffer, and
the memset call is intended to clobber that information, but may be
elided since buffer is not explicitly used later. A malicious process
with access to the program's memory might be able to read that
information after f() has returned.

C23 adds memset_explicit() for this purpose.
Keith Thompson (The_Other_Keith) Keith.S.Thompson+***@gmail.com
Working, but not speaking, for Medtronic
void Void(void) { Void(); } /* The recursive call of the void */
Keith Thompson
2024-03-20 21:23:52 UTC
Post by Keith Thompson
Post by Scott Lurndal
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Stefan Ram
void f( void )
{ char buffer[ MAX ];
/* . . . */
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer )); }
. Can you see what the bug is?
I don't know about "the bug", but conditions can be identified under
which that would have a problem executing, like MAX being in excess
of available automatic storage.
Perhaps Stephan is under the mistaken assumption that
'buffer' devolves to a type of 'char *' when used
with the sizeof operator.
That was my first thought, but I think the idea (not clearly stated) is
that the /* . . . */ code stores sensitive information in buffer, and
the memset call is intended to clobber that information, but may be
elided since buffer is not explicitly used later. A malicious process
with access to the program's memory might be able to read that
information after f() has returned.
And I should acknowledge that Kaz mentioned that before I did.
Post by Keith Thompson
C23 adds memset_explicit() for this purpose.
Keith Thompson (The_Other_Keith) Keith.S.Thompson+***@gmail.com
Working, but not speaking, for Medtronic
void Void(void) { Void(); } /* The recursive call of the void */
David Brown
2024-03-21 15:13:54 UTC
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Stefan Ram
void f( void )
{ char buffer[ MAX ];
/* . . . */
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer )); }
. Can you see what the bug is?
I don't know about "the bug", but conditions can be identified under
which that would have a problem executing, like MAX being in excess
of available automatic storage.
If the /*...*/ comment represents the elision of some security sensitive
code, where the memset is intended to obliterate secret information,
of course, that obliteration is not required to work.
After the memset, the buffer has no next use, so the all the assignments
performed by memset to the bytes of buffer are dead assignments that can
be elided.
To securely clear memory, you have to use a function for that purpose
that is not susceptible to optimization.
If you're not doing anything stupid, like link time optimization, an
external function in another translation unit (a function that the
compiler doesn't recognize as being an alias or wrapper for memset)
ought to suffice.
Using LTO is not "stupid". Relying on people /not/ using LTO, or not
using other valid optimisations, is "stupid".

/Really/ dealing with this kind of potential data leakage is a
multi-faceted problem. Does it matter if you zero out this buffer, if
that is just in the cache and the original password data is still in the
ram ready to be read with a Rowhammer attack? Or if there is a copy
somewhere else in code that used it?

Of course it is important to deal with possible security issues at every
practical point, so zeroing out this buffer is part of the solution - as
long as no one thinks that using C23's memset_explicit(), or similar
functions, are somehow complete fixes.

Calling an external function in another translation unit, however, is
not a way to guarantee particular effects. Using volatile accesses is
better (if you don't have a suitable function with the right guarantees
for your target OS and/or C version). There are also compiler-specific
ways, such as adding "__asm__("" : "+m" (buffer));" after the memset.
Kaz Kylheku
2024-03-21 17:41:32 UTC
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Stefan Ram
void f( void )
{ char buffer[ MAX ];
/* . . . */
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer )); }
. Can you see what the bug is?
I don't know about "the bug", but conditions can be identified under
which that would have a problem executing, like MAX being in excess
of available automatic storage.
If the /*...*/ comment represents the elision of some security sensitive
code, where the memset is intended to obliterate secret information,
of course, that obliteration is not required to work.
After the memset, the buffer has no next use, so the all the assignments
performed by memset to the bytes of buffer are dead assignments that can
be elided.
To securely clear memory, you have to use a function for that purpose
that is not susceptible to optimization.
If you're not doing anything stupid, like link time optimization, an
external function in another translation unit (a function that the
compiler doesn't recognize as being an alias or wrapper for memset)
ought to suffice.
Using LTO is not "stupid". Relying on people /not/ using LTO, or not
using other valid optimisations, is "stupid".
LTO is a nonconforming optimization. It destroys the concept that
when a translation unit is translated, the semantic analysis is
complete, such that the only remaining activity is resolution of
external references (linkage), and that the semantic analysis of one
translation unit deos not use information about another translation

This has not yet changed in last April's N3096 draft, where
translation phases 7 and 8 are:

7. White-space characters separating tokens are no longer significant.
Each preprocessing token is converted into a token. The resulting
tokens are syntactically and semantically analyzed and translated
as a translation unit.

8. All external object and function references are resolved. Library
components are linked to satisfy external references to functions
and objects not defined in the current translation. All such
translator output is collected into a program image which contains
information needed for execution in its execution environment.

and before that, the Program Structure section says:

The separate translation units of a program communicate by (for
example) calls to functions whose identifiers have external linkage,
manipulation of objects whose identifiers have external linkage, or
manipulation of data files. Translation units may be separately
translated and then later linked to produce an executable program.

LTO deviates from the the model that translation units are separate,
and the conceptual steps of phases 7 and 8.

The translation unit that is prepared for LTO is not fully cooked. You
have no idea what its code will turn into when the interrupted
compilation is resumed during linkage, under the influence of other
tranlation units it is combined with.

So in fact, the language allows us to take it for granted that, given

my_memset(array, 0, sizeof(array)); }

at the end of a function, and my_memset is an external definition
provided by another translation unit, the call may not be elided.

The one who may be acting recklessly is he who turns on nonconforming
optimizations that are not documented as supported by the code base.

Another example would be something like gcc's -ffast-math.
You wouldn't unleash that on numerical code written by experts,
and expect the same correct results.
TXR Programming Language: http://nongnu.org/txr
Cygnal: Cygwin Native Application Library: http://kylheku.com/cygnal
Mastodon: @***@mstdn.ca
Chris M. Thomasson
2024-03-21 19:37:58 UTC
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Stefan Ram
void f( void )
{ char buffer[ MAX ];
/* . . . */
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer )); }
. Can you see what the bug is?
I don't know about "the bug", but conditions can be identified under
which that would have a problem executing, like MAX being in excess
of available automatic storage.
If the /*...*/ comment represents the elision of some security sensitive
code, where the memset is intended to obliterate secret information,
of course, that obliteration is not required to work.
After the memset, the buffer has no next use, so the all the assignments
performed by memset to the bytes of buffer are dead assignments that can
be elided.
To securely clear memory, you have to use a function for that purpose
that is not susceptible to optimization.
If you're not doing anything stupid, like link time optimization, an
external function in another translation unit (a function that the
compiler doesn't recognize as being an alias or wrapper for memset)
ought to suffice.
Using LTO is not "stupid". Relying on people /not/ using LTO, or not
using other valid optimisations, is "stupid".
LTO is a nonconforming optimization. It destroys the concept that
when a translation unit is translated, the semantic analysis is
complete, such that the only remaining activity is resolution of
external references (linkage), and that the semantic analysis of one
translation unit deos not use information about another translation
Side note:

Actually, way back (pre c/c++ 11), I was worried about LTO messing up my
custom, highly sensitive sync code.


Notice the externally assembled functions comment?

"All of its “critical-sequences” are contained in externally assembled
functions ( read all ) in order to prevent a rouge C compiler from
reordering anything that would corrupt the data-structure. The queue
allocates its nodes from a three-level cache"

If a damn "rogue" compiler can mess with my custom ASM then things are
going to be broken...

Scott Lurndal
2024-03-21 20:21:13 UTC
"All of its “critical-sequences” are contained in externally assembled
functions ( read all ) in order to prevent a rouge C compiler from
As opposed to a viridian C compiler?
Chris M. Thomasson
2024-03-21 21:31:26 UTC
Post by Scott Lurndal
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
"All of its “critical-sequences” are contained in externally assembled
functions ( read all ) in order to prevent a rouge C compiler from
As opposed to a viridian C compiler?
I was worried about "overly aggressive" LTO messing around with my ASM.
Scott Lurndal
2024-03-21 23:19:03 UTC
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by Scott Lurndal
"All of its “critical-sequences” are contained in externally assembled
functions ( read all ) in order to prevent a rouge C compiler from
As opposed to a viridian C compiler?
I was worried about "overly aggressive" LTO messing around with my ASM.
And you missed the oblique reference to the mispelling of 'rogue' as 'rouge'.
Chris M. Thomasson
2024-03-22 00:38:58 UTC
Post by Scott Lurndal
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by Scott Lurndal
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
"All of its “critical-sequences” are contained in externally assembled
functions ( read all ) in order to prevent a rouge C compiler from
As opposed to a viridian C compiler?
I was worried about "overly aggressive" LTO messing around with my ASM.
And you missed the oblique reference to the mispelling of 'rogue' as 'rouge'.
Yup! I sure did. I have red on my face!
Chris M. Thomasson
2024-03-22 19:39:33 UTC
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by Scott Lurndal
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by Scott Lurndal
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
"All of its “critical-sequences” are contained in externally assembled
functions ( read all ) in order to prevent a rouge C compiler from
As opposed to a viridian C compiler?
I was worried about "overly aggressive" LTO messing around with my ASM.
And you missed the oblique reference to the mispelling of 'rogue' as 'rouge'.
Yup! I sure did. I have red on my face!
I wonder if I have a bit of dyslexia. Sometimes when I am typing along
without looking at the keyboard, I can make a mistake that is backwards
wrt two letters.

For instance, spelling the word "careful" as "carfeul", car fuel? lol...
The mistake I made with rogue vs rouge is that same swapping error as
well. This is a "bad" one because spell checker does not flag it.

It's strange because when I look at the keyboard while I am typing,
well, that does not occur.
Keith Thompson
2024-03-21 20:46:18 UTC
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Stefan Ram
void f( void )
{ char buffer[ MAX ];
/* . . . */
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer )); }
. Can you see what the bug is?
I don't know about "the bug", but conditions can be identified under
which that would have a problem executing, like MAX being in excess
of available automatic storage.
If the /*...*/ comment represents the elision of some security sensitive
code, where the memset is intended to obliterate secret information,
of course, that obliteration is not required to work.
After the memset, the buffer has no next use, so the all the assignments
performed by memset to the bytes of buffer are dead assignments that can
be elided.
To securely clear memory, you have to use a function for that purpose
that is not susceptible to optimization.
If you're not doing anything stupid, like link time optimization, an
external function in another translation unit (a function that the
compiler doesn't recognize as being an alias or wrapper for memset)
ought to suffice.
Using LTO is not "stupid". Relying on people /not/ using LTO, or not
using other valid optimisations, is "stupid".
LTO is a nonconforming optimization. It destroys the concept that
when a translation unit is translated, the semantic analysis is
complete, such that the only remaining activity is resolution of
external references (linkage), and that the semantic analysis of one
translation unit deos not use information about another translation
This has not yet changed in last April's N3096 draft, where
7. White-space characters separating tokens are no longer significant.
Each preprocessing token is converted into a token. The resulting
tokens are syntactically and semantically analyzed and translated
as a translation unit.
8. All external object and function references are resolved. Library
components are linked to satisfy external references to functions
and objects not defined in the current translation. All such
translator output is collected into a program image which contains
information needed for execution in its execution environment.
The separate translation units of a program communicate by (for
example) calls to functions whose identifiers have external linkage,
manipulation of objects whose identifiers have external linkage, or
manipulation of data files. Translation units may be separately
translated and then later linked to produce an executable program.
LTO deviates from the the model that translation units are separate,
and the conceptual steps of phases 7 and 8.

Link time optimization is as valid as cross-function optimization *as
long as* it doesn't change the defined behavior of the program.

Say I have a call to foo in main, and the definition of foo is in
another translation unit. In the absence of LTO, the compiler will have
to generate a call to foo. If LTO is able to determine that foo doesn't
do anything, it can remove the code for the function call, and the
resulting behavior of the linked program is unchanged.
Keith Thompson (The_Other_Keith) Keith.S.Thompson+***@gmail.com
Working, but not speaking, for Medtronic
void Void(void) { Void(); } /* The recursive call of the void */
Kaz Kylheku
2024-03-22 15:50:00 UTC
Post by Keith Thompson
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Stefan Ram
void f( void )
{ char buffer[ MAX ];
/* . . . */
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer )); }
. Can you see what the bug is?
I don't know about "the bug", but conditions can be identified under
which that would have a problem executing, like MAX being in excess
of available automatic storage.
If the /*...*/ comment represents the elision of some security sensitive
code, where the memset is intended to obliterate secret information,
of course, that obliteration is not required to work.
After the memset, the buffer has no next use, so the all the assignments
performed by memset to the bytes of buffer are dead assignments that can
be elided.
To securely clear memory, you have to use a function for that purpose
that is not susceptible to optimization.
If you're not doing anything stupid, like link time optimization, an
external function in another translation unit (a function that the
compiler doesn't recognize as being an alias or wrapper for memset)
ought to suffice.
Using LTO is not "stupid". Relying on people /not/ using LTO, or not
using other valid optimisations, is "stupid".
LTO is a nonconforming optimization. It destroys the concept that
when a translation unit is translated, the semantic analysis is
complete, such that the only remaining activity is resolution of
external references (linkage), and that the semantic analysis of one
translation unit deos not use information about another translation
This has not yet changed in last April's N3096 draft, where
7. White-space characters separating tokens are no longer significant.
Each preprocessing token is converted into a token. The resulting
tokens are syntactically and semantically analyzed and translated
as a translation unit.
8. All external object and function references are resolved. Library
components are linked to satisfy external references to functions
and objects not defined in the current translation. All such
translator output is collected into a program image which contains
information needed for execution in its execution environment.
The separate translation units of a program communicate by (for
example) calls to functions whose identifiers have external linkage,
manipulation of objects whose identifiers have external linkage, or
manipulation of data files. Translation units may be separately
translated and then later linked to produce an executable program.
LTO deviates from the the model that translation units are separate,
and the conceptual steps of phases 7 and 8.
Link time optimization is as valid as cross-function optimization *as
long as* it doesn't change the defined behavior of the program.
It always does; the interaction of a translation unit with another
is an externally visible aspect of the C program. (That can be inferred
from the rules which forbid semantic analysis across translation
units, only linkage.)

That's why we can have a real world security issue caused by zeroing
being optimized away.

The rules spelled out in ISO C allow us to unit test a translation
unit by linking it to some harness, and be sure it has exactly the
same behaviors when linked to the production program.

If I have some translation unit in which there is a function foo, such
that when I call foo, it then calls an external function bar, that's
observable. I can link that unit to a program which supplies bar,
containing a printf call, then call foo and verify that the printf call
is executed.

Since ISO C says that the semantic analysis has been done (that
unit having gone through phase 7), we can take it for granted as a
done-and-dusted property of that translation unit that it calls bar
whenever its foo is invoked.
Post by Keith Thompson
Say I have a call to foo in main, and the definition of foo is in
another translation unit. In the absence of LTO, the compiler will have
to generate a call to foo. If LTO is able to determine that foo doesn't
do anything, it can remove the code for the function call, and the
resulting behavior of the linked program is unchanged.
There always situations in which optimizations that have been forbidden
don't cause a problem, and are even desirable.

If you have LTO turned on, you might be programming in GNU C or Clang C
or whatever, not standard C.

Sometimes programs have the same interpretation in GNU C and standard
C, or the same interpretation to someone who doesn't care about certain
TXR Programming Language: http://nongnu.org/txr
Cygnal: Cygwin Native Application Library: http://kylheku.com/cygnal
Mastodon: @***@mstdn.ca
Keith Thompson
2024-03-22 16:31:03 UTC
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Stefan Ram
void f( void )
{ char buffer[ MAX ];
/* . . . */
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer )); }
. Can you see what the bug is?
I don't know about "the bug", but conditions can be identified under
which that would have a problem executing, like MAX being in excess
of available automatic storage.
If the /*...*/ comment represents the elision of some security sensitive
code, where the memset is intended to obliterate secret information,
of course, that obliteration is not required to work.
After the memset, the buffer has no next use, so the all the assignments
performed by memset to the bytes of buffer are dead assignments that can
be elided.
To securely clear memory, you have to use a function for that purpose
that is not susceptible to optimization.
If you're not doing anything stupid, like link time optimization, an
external function in another translation unit (a function that the
compiler doesn't recognize as being an alias or wrapper for memset)
ought to suffice.
Using LTO is not "stupid". Relying on people /not/ using LTO, or not
using other valid optimisations, is "stupid".
LTO is a nonconforming optimization. It destroys the concept that
when a translation unit is translated, the semantic analysis is
complete, such that the only remaining activity is resolution of
external references (linkage), and that the semantic analysis of one
translation unit deos not use information about another translation
This has not yet changed in last April's N3096 draft, where
7. White-space characters separating tokens are no longer significant.
Each preprocessing token is converted into a token. The resulting
tokens are syntactically and semantically analyzed and translated
as a translation unit.
8. All external object and function references are resolved. Library
components are linked to satisfy external references to functions
and objects not defined in the current translation. All such
translator output is collected into a program image which contains
information needed for execution in its execution environment.
The separate translation units of a program communicate by (for
example) calls to functions whose identifiers have external linkage,
manipulation of objects whose identifiers have external linkage, or
manipulation of data files. Translation units may be separately
translated and then later linked to produce an executable program.
LTO deviates from the the model that translation units are separate,
and the conceptual steps of phases 7 and 8.
Link time optimization is as valid as cross-function optimization *as
long as* it doesn't change the defined behavior of the program.
It always does; the interaction of a translation unit with another
is an externally visible aspect of the C program. (That can be inferred
from the rules which forbid semantic analysis across translation
units, only linkage.)
That's why we can have a real world security issue caused by zeroing
being optimized away.
The rules spelled out in ISO C allow us to unit test a translation
unit by linking it to some harness, and be sure it has exactly the
same behaviors when linked to the production program.
If I have some translation unit in which there is a function foo, such
that when I call foo, it then calls an external function bar, that's
observable. I can link that unit to a program which supplies bar,
containing a printf call, then call foo and verify that the printf call
is executed.
Since ISO C says that the semantic analysis has been done (that
unit having gone through phase 7), we can take it for granted as a
done-and-dusted property of that translation unit that it calls bar
whenever its foo is invoked.
We can take it for granted that the output performed by the printf call
will be performed, because output is observable behavior. If the
external function bar is modified, the LTO step has to be redone.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
Say I have a call to foo in main, and the definition of foo is in
another translation unit. In the absence of LTO, the compiler will have
to generate a call to foo. If LTO is able to determine that foo doesn't
do anything, it can remove the code for the function call, and the
resulting behavior of the linked program is unchanged.
There always situations in which optimizations that have been forbidden
don't cause a problem, and are even desirable.
If you have LTO turned on, you might be programming in GNU C or Clang C
or whatever, not standard C.
Sometimes programs have the same interpretation in GNU C and standard
C, or the same interpretation to someone who doesn't care about certain
Are you claiming that a function call is observable behavior?


#include "foo.h"
int main(void) {

#ifndef FOO_H
#define FOO_H
void foo(void);

void foo(void) {
// do nothing

Are you saying that the "call" instruction generated for the function
call is *observable behavior*? If an implementation doesn't generate
that "call" instruction because it's able to determine at link time that
the call does nothing, that optimization is forbidden?

I presume you'd agree that omitting the "call" instruction is allowed if
the call and the function definition are in the same translation unit.
What wording in the standard requires a "call" instruction to be
generated if they're in different translation units?

That's a trivial example, but other link time optimizations that don't
change a program's observable behavior (insert weasel words about
unspecified behavior) are also allowed.

In phase 8:
All external object and function references are resolved. Library
components are linked to satisfy external references to functions
and objects not defined in the current translation. All such
translator output is collected into a program image which contains
information needed for execution in its execution environment.

I don't see anything about required CPU instructions.
Keith Thompson (The_Other_Keith) Keith.S.Thompson+***@gmail.com
Working, but not speaking, for Medtronic
void Void(void) { Void(); } /* The recursive call of the void */
Kaz Kylheku
2024-03-22 17:20:03 UTC
Post by Keith Thompson
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Since ISO C says that the semantic analysis has been done (that
unit having gone through phase 7), we can take it for granted as a
done-and-dusted property of that translation unit that it calls bar
whenever its foo is invoked.
We can take it for granted that the output performed by the printf call
will be performed, because output is observable behavior. If the
external function bar is modified, the LTO step has to be redone.
That's what undeniably has to be done in the LTO world. Nothing that
is done brings that world into conformance, though.
Post by Keith Thompson
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
Say I have a call to foo in main, and the definition of foo is in
another translation unit. In the absence of LTO, the compiler will have
to generate a call to foo. If LTO is able to determine that foo doesn't
do anything, it can remove the code for the function call, and the
resulting behavior of the linked program is unchanged.
There always situations in which optimizations that have been forbidden
don't cause a problem, and are even desirable.
If you have LTO turned on, you might be programming in GNU C or Clang C
or whatever, not standard C.
Sometimes programs have the same interpretation in GNU C and standard
C, or the same interpretation to someone who doesn't care about certain
Are you claiming that a function call is observable behavior?
Yes. It is the observable behavior of an unlinked translation unit.

It can be observed by linking a harness to it, with a main() function
and all else that is required to make it a complete program.

That harness becomes an instrument for observation.
Post by Keith Thompson
#include "foo.h"
int main(void) {
#ifndef FOO_H
#define FOO_H
void foo(void);
void foo(void) {
// do nothing
Are you saying that the "call" instruction generated for the function
call is *observable behavior*?
Of course; it can be observed externally, without doing any reverse
engineering on the translated unit.

External linkage is called "external" for a reason!
Post by Keith Thompson
If an implementation doesn't generate
that "call" instruction because it's able to determine at link time that
the call does nothing, that optimization is forbidden?
The text says so. Translation units are separate; semantic analysis is
finished in translation phase 7; linking in 8.

Out of translation phases 1-7 we get a concrete artifact: the translated
unit. That has externally visible features, like what symbols it
requires. Its behavior with regard to those symbols can be empirically
observed, validated by tests and expected to hold thereafter.

Since semantic analysis is complete, any observable behavior can be
taken to be a fact about that translated unit, a property of it, which
will not change when it is subject to linkage. The truth cannot be
clawed back, according to the way things are defined in the standard,
and this is a good thing.
Post by Keith Thompson
I presume you'd agree that omitting the "call" instruction is allowed if
the call and the function definition are in the same translation unit.

And that's a way to get the effect of LTO portably, in a conforming
way, in any implementation going back decades. Instead of linkage use
#include "foo.c", #include "bar.c" (taking steps to ensure your internal
names don't clash).

LTO is more convenient in that you don't have to use an unusual
program structure, and keeps your internal linkage scopes separate.
Just don't pretend it's conforming to standard C, any more than

LTO is "vooodoo" though. The translation units contain intermediate
code, not target code. The intermediate code continues to be subject
to compiler passes when the translation units are brought together.
Thus translation is going on, but the units are gone.
Post by Keith Thompson
What wording in the standard requires a "call" instruction to be
generated if they're in different translation units?
That's a trivial example, but other link time optimizations that don't
change a program's observable behavior (insert weasel words about
unspecified behavior) are also allowed.
An example would be the removal of material that is not referenced,
like functions not called anywhere, or entire translation units
whose external names are not referenced. That can cause issues too,
and I've run into them, but I can't call that nonconforming.
Nothing is semantically analyzed across translation units, only the
linkage graph itself, which may be found to be disconnected.
Post by Keith Thompson
All external object and function references are resolved. Library
components are linked to satisfy external references to functions
and objects not defined in the current translation. All such
translator output is collected into a program image which contains
information needed for execution in its execution environment.
I don't see anything about required CPU instructions.
I don't see anything about /removing/ instructions that have to be
there according to the semantic analysis performed in order to
translate those units from phases 1 - 7, and that can be confirmed
to be present with a test harness.
TXR Programming Language: http://nongnu.org/txr
Cygnal: Cygwin Native Application Library: http://kylheku.com/cygnal
Mastodon: @***@mstdn.ca
James Kuyper
2024-03-22 17:38:13 UTC
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
Are you claiming that a function call is observable behavior?
Yes. It is the observable behavior of an unlinked translation unit.
In the context of the C standard, "observable behavior" is a term with a
precisely specified meaning which is NOT "behavior which can be
observed". That definition does not cover function calls, not even those
with external linkage. What the standard says about what optimizations
are permitted is in terms of "observable behavior", NOT "behavior which
can be observed".
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
Are you saying that the "call" instruction generated for the function
call is *observable behavior*?
Of course; it can be observed externally, without doing any reverse
engineering on the translated unit.
And the C standard imposes no requirement that such behavior occur as
described by the abstract semantics. Only actual observable behavior, as
that term is defined by the C standard, must occur as if those semantics
were followed - whether or not they actually were.

Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
If an implementation doesn't generate
that "call" instruction because it's able to determine at link time that
the call does nothing, that optimization is forbidden?
The text says so. Translation units are separate; semantic analysis is
finished in translation phase 7; linking in 8.
Translation phases are specified solely for the purpose of expressing
the precedence of the corresponding semantic rules. The standard
explicitly allows for the phases to be intermingled or even done out of
order, so long as the observable behavior is behavior that would be
permitted if they had been done in the order specified.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Out of translation phases 1-7 we get a concrete artifact: the translated
unit. That has externally visible features, like what symbols it
requires. Its behavior with regard to those symbols can be empirically
observed, validated by tests and expected to hold thereafter.
And the standard imposes no requirements on those externally visible
features, only on some (but not ALL) of the behavior that results from
executing the program.
Kaz Kylheku
2024-03-22 19:27:32 UTC
Post by James Kuyper
And the C standard imposes no requirement that such behavior occur as
described by the abstract semantics. Only actual observable behavior, as
that term is defined by the C standard, must occur as if those semantics
were followed - whether or not they actually were.
But there is something. Though not normative text, EXAMPLE 1 gives
the range of possibilities for optimization:

EXAMPLE 1 An implementation might define a one-to-one correspondence
between abstract and actual semantics: at every sequence point, the
values of the actual objects would agree with those specified by the
abstract semantics. The keyword volatile would then be redundant.

Alternatively, an implementation might perform various optimizations
within each translation unit, such that the actual semantics would agree
with the abstract semantics only when making function calls across
translation unit boundaries.

I believe the intent of this example is to give the two extremes
representing the full range of what is envisioned as permissible.
TXR Programming Language: http://nongnu.org/txr
Cygnal: Cygwin Native Application Library: http://kylheku.com/cygnal
Mastodon: @***@mstdn.ca
David Brown
2024-03-22 18:13:19 UTC
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
Are you claiming that a function call is observable behavior?
Yes. It is the observable behavior of an unlinked translation unit.
It can be observed by linking a harness to it, with a main() function
and all else that is required to make it a complete program.
That harness becomes an instrument for observation.
That is "observable" in the same sense that the size of a compiled
object file is "observable" by executing "ls -l". It is not "observable
behaviour" as defined by the C standards.

C defines "observable behaviour" for /programs/. Not for translation
units, or translated translation units (what one might call an "object
file" - be it assembly, machine code, or internal compiler-specific

For C, it makes no sense to talk about "observable behaviour" for a
unit. It is only by linking the unit to your test harness that you get
a "program", which then has "observable behaviour".
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
Are you saying that the "call" instruction generated for the function
call is *observable behavior*?
Of course; it can be observed externally, without doing any reverse
engineering on the translated unit.
The contents of an object file - or the instructions used in a complete
program - are not "observable behaviour" in C. Again, I refer you to
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
If an implementation doesn't generate
that "call" instruction because it's able to determine at link time that
the call does nothing, that optimization is forbidden?
The text says so. Translation units are separate; semantic analysis is
finished in translation phase 7; linking in 8.
The text also says (in footnotes) that the phases are for conceptual
description only, and in practice they are typically folded together.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
What wording in the standard requires a "call" instruction to be
generated if they're in different translation units?
That's a trivial example, but other link time optimizations that don't
change a program's observable behavior (insert weasel words about
unspecified behavior) are also allowed.
An example would be the removal of material that is not referenced,
like functions not called anywhere, or entire translation units
whose external names are not referenced. That can cause issues too,
and I've run into them, but I can't call that nonconforming.
Nothing is semantically analyzed across translation units, only the
linkage graph itself, which may be found to be disconnected.
Removal of unreferenced material at link time is very common. In some
fields, it is standard practice to use compiler and linker flags geared
at making this easier. It is not really any different than using static
libraries - the linker will load all requested static libraries, then
throw out all parts that are not transitively reachable from non-library

The inclusion or not of material in the program image is not directly
observable behaviour in C - there is no way to write portable C code to
determine if the function "foo" has been included in the image despite
never being referenced. (You can, of course, have the linker include
information about the image inside the image itself and read that with
volatile accesses from within the program.)

In small-systems embedded programming, "-ffunction-sections" and
"-fdata-sections", along with "-Wl,--gc-sections", are almost invariably
used for gcc to reduce the size of the final image. It makes it much
more practical to write re-usable code even if not all functions are
used in any given application. I have never heard of it "causing
issues", and I cannot see how it might be non-conforming. (And if it is
not a conformance issue, how is it relevant here?)
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
All external object and function references are resolved. Library
components are linked to satisfy external references to functions
and objects not defined in the current translation. All such
translator output is collected into a program image which contains
information needed for execution in its execution environment.
I don't see anything about required CPU instructions.
I don't see anything about /removing/ instructions that have to be
there according to the semantic analysis performed in order to
translate those units from phases 1 - 7, and that can be confirmed
to be present with a test harness.
The C standard doesn't deal with CPU instructions. It does not have a
concept of "running" a translated translation unit - you can only run a
complete program, at which point there is no distinction between the
translation units that are "collected" into the program image. It's all
fused together into one big lump, with one set of observable behaviours.
Keith Thompson
2024-03-22 18:21:40 UTC
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Since ISO C says that the semantic analysis has been done (that
unit having gone through phase 7), we can take it for granted as a
done-and-dusted property of that translation unit that it calls bar
whenever its foo is invoked.
We can take it for granted that the output performed by the printf call
will be performed, because output is observable behavior. If the
external function bar is modified, the LTO step has to be redone.
That's what undeniably has to be done in the LTO world. Nothing that
is done brings that world into conformance, though.
Post by Keith Thompson
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
Say I have a call to foo in main, and the definition of foo is in
another translation unit. In the absence of LTO, the compiler will have
to generate a call to foo. If LTO is able to determine that foo doesn't
do anything, it can remove the code for the function call, and the
resulting behavior of the linked program is unchanged.
There always situations in which optimizations that have been forbidden
don't cause a problem, and are even desirable.
If you have LTO turned on, you might be programming in GNU C or Clang C
or whatever, not standard C.
Sometimes programs have the same interpretation in GNU C and standard
C, or the same interpretation to someone who doesn't care about certain
Are you claiming that a function call is observable behavior?
Yes. It is the observable behavior of an unlinked translation unit.
An unlinked translation unit has no observable behavior in the way that
term is defined by the standard.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
It can be observed by linking a harness to it, with a main() function
and all else that is required to make it a complete program.
That harness becomes an instrument for observation.
And a "call" instruction in a program consisting of a single translation
unit can be observed in a variety of ways. That doesn't make it
"observable behavior".

Are you using the phrase "observable behavior" in a sense other than
what's defined in N1570

Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
Are you saying that the "call" instruction generated for the function
call is *observable behavior*?
Of course; it can be observed externally, without doing any reverse
engineering on the translated unit.
Is the "call" instruction *observable behavior* as defined in

Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
All external object and function references are resolved. Library
components are linked to satisfy external references to functions
and objects not defined in the current translation. All such
translator output is collected into a program image which contains
information needed for execution in its execution environment.
I don't see anything about required CPU instructions.
I don't see anything about /removing/ instructions that have to be
there according to the semantic analysis performed in order to
translate those units from phases 1 - 7, and that can be confirmed
to be present with a test harness.
The standard doesn't mention either adding or removing instructions.

Running a program under a test harness is effectively running a
different program. Of course it can yield information about the
original program, but in effect you're linking the program with a
different set of libraries.

I can use a test harness to observe whether a program uses an add or inc
instruction to evaluate `i++` (assuming the CPU has both instructions).
The standard doesn't care how the increment happens, as long as the
result is correct. It doesn't care *whether* the increment happens
unless the result affects the programs *observable behavior*.

What in the description of translation phases 7 and 8 makes
behavior-preserving optimizations valid in phase 7 and forbidden in
phase 8? (Again, insert weasel words about unspecified behavior.)
Keith Thompson (The_Other_Keith) Keith.S.Thompson+***@gmail.com
Working, but not speaking, for Medtronic
void Void(void) { Void(); } /* The recursive call of the void */
Kaz Kylheku
2024-03-22 19:43:04 UTC
Post by Keith Thompson
Is the "call" instruction *observable behavior* as defined in
No it isn't. The Boolean fact whether or not that call is taken can be
tied to observable behavior elsewhere, though.
Post by Keith Thompson
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Kaz Kylheku
All external object and function references are resolved. Library
components are linked to satisfy external references to functions
and objects not defined in the current translation. All such
translator output is collected into a program image which contains
information needed for execution in its execution environment.
I don't see anything about required CPU instructions.
I don't see anything about /removing/ instructions that have to be
there according to the semantic analysis performed in order to
translate those units from phases 1 - 7, and that can be confirmed
to be present with a test harness.
The standard doesn't mention either adding or removing instructions.
Running a program under a test harness is effectively running a
different program. Of course it can yield information about the
original program, but in effect you're linking the program with a
different set of libraries.
It's a different program, but the retained translation unit must be the
same, except that the external references it makes are resolved to
different entities.

If in one program we have an observable behavior which implies that a
call took place (that itself not being directly observable, by
definition, I again acknowledge) then under the same conditions in
another program, that call also has to take place, by the fact that the
translation unit has not changed.
Post by Keith Thompson
I can use a test harness to observe whether a program uses an add or inc
instruction to evaluate `i++` (assuming the CPU has both instructions).
The standard doesn't care how the increment happens, as long as the
result is correct. It doesn't care *whether* the increment happens
unless the result affects the programs *observable behavior*.
If i is an object with external linkage defined outside of some
tranlation unit and some function in the translation unit
unconditionally increments i (without further using its value), then
that has to happen, even in a program in which nothing else uses i.

By this blackbox method I'm describing, no, we cannot confirm whether
it's by an inc instruction or whatever. Just, does it happen.

In one test program we can tie that to observable behavior, like
printing the value of i before and after calling that function.

Though the increment isn't observable behavior (unless i is volatile?),
since it has been confirmed that the translation unit does that, it does
Post by Keith Thompson
What in the description of translation phases 7 and 8 makes
behavior-preserving optimizations valid in phase 7 and forbidden in
phase 8? (Again, insert weasel words about unspecified behavior.)
That translation phase 7 is described as completing semantic analysis,
resulting in a translated unit which may be retained. (Moreover,
analysis of a single unit, not multiple.) and that 8 is described
as only resolving references and linking.
TXR Programming Language: http://nongnu.org/txr
Cygnal: Cygwin Native Application Library: http://kylheku.com/cygnal
Mastodon: @***@mstdn.ca
David Brown
2024-03-23 15:36:02 UTC
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
Is the "call" instruction *observable behavior* as defined in
Running a program under a test harness is effectively running a
different program. Of course it can yield information about the
original program, but in effect you're linking the program with a
different set of libraries.
It's a different program, but the retained translation unit must be the
same, except that the external references it makes are resolved to
different entities.
That is true - /if/ you make the restriction that the translation unit
is complied completely to linkable machine code or assembly, and that it
is not changed in any way when it is combined into the new program.
Such a setup is common in practice, but it is in no way required by the
C standards and does not apply for more advanced compilation and build
Post by Kaz Kylheku
If in one program we have an observable behavior which implies that a
call took place (that itself not being directly observable, by
definition, I again acknowledge) then under the same conditions in
another program, that call also has to take place, by the fact that the
translation unit has not changed.
Yes - again, /if/ you restrict your tools and build processes to make
this true. (And though the call may still be there, it is still not
observable behaviour, and it may no longer lead to any observable
behaviour in the new program.)

Basically, what you are saying is that if you have a compiler and build
system that compiles individual translation units into fixed individual
object files of linkable machine code, and these units are not
recompiled when you link them again in new programs, then the machine
code in for the externally linked functions defined in those translation
units is not changed.

I don't think anyone will argue with that - it is quite solid, and does
not come as news to anybody familiar with compilers and build processes.

The thing you get wrong is believing that the C standards require such a
compiler and build system. They don't - and thus all your beliefs
(about interaction across translation units) which depend on such a
requirement, fall apart.
Kaz Kylheku
2024-03-23 16:07:47 UTC
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
Is the "call" instruction *observable behavior* as defined in
Running a program under a test harness is effectively running a
different program. Of course it can yield information about the
original program, but in effect you're linking the program with a
different set of libraries.
It's a different program, but the retained translation unit must be the
same, except that the external references it makes are resolved to
different entities.
That is true - /if/ you make the restriction that the translation unit
is complied completely to linkable machine code or assembly, and that it
is not changed in any way when it is combined into the new program.
Such a setup is common in practice, but it is in no way required by the
C standards and does not apply for more advanced compilation and build
Well, it's only not required if you hand-wave away the sentences in
section 5.

You can't just do that!
David Brown
2024-03-23 17:58:21 UTC
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
Is the "call" instruction *observable behavior* as defined in
Running a program under a test harness is effectively running a
different program. Of course it can yield information about the
original program, but in effect you're linking the program with a
different set of libraries.
It's a different program, but the retained translation unit must be the
same, except that the external references it makes are resolved to
different entities.
That is true - /if/ you make the restriction that the translation unit
is complied completely to linkable machine code or assembly, and that it
is not changed in any way when it is combined into the new program.
Such a setup is common in practice, but it is in no way required by the
C standards and does not apply for more advanced compilation and build
Well, it's only not required if you hand-wave away the sentences in
section 5.
You can't just do that!
And it is only required if you read between the lines in section 5 and
see things that simply are not there. You can't just do that!

I believe we are at an impasse here, unless someone can think of a new
point to make.

One thing I would ask before leaving this - could you take a look at the
latest draft for the next C standard after C23?


Look at the definitions of the "reproducible" and "unsequenced" function
type attributes in In particular, look at the leeway
explicitly given to the compiler for re-arranging code in
and similar examples. Consider how that fits (or fails to fit) with
your interpretation of the translation phases in section 5.
Kaz Kylheku
2024-03-24 01:23:00 UTC
Post by David Brown
I believe we are at an impasse here, unless someone can think of a new
point to make.
How about a completely different one about a related but separate
matter (small one).

It has occurred to me that the definition of "translation unit" is
lacking a little bit in regard to existing practice. Or that at least
it could use a footnote:

"A source file together with all the headers and source files included
via the preprocessing directive #include is known as a preprocessing
translation unit."

But in fact, in actual compilers we can do something like this:

gcc -DMAIN='int main(void) { puts("hello"); }'

and then in the source file we can have

#include <stdio.h>

the point is that a translation unit tokens can come from sources
other than a source file and its included header files.

Say we have:

printf '#include <stdio.h>\nMAIN\n' | \
gcc -DMAIN='int main(void) { puts("hello"); }' -x c -

How we can subject this to a standard-based interpretation is
to identify the output of printf piped into gcc, as well as
the -DMAIN option, as being the "source file".

"The text of the program is kept in units called source files, (or
preprocessing files) in this document."

Thus the unit in which we are keeping the source in the above shell
script is identifiable as the content of the pipe, and the symbol MAIN.
It is understood that the MAIN symbol precedes the content of the pipe.
Those things together are the "source file".

This is all fine, but could benefit from a foot note like "A source file
need not be a single data unit accessible by name in a file system.
Implementations may allow situations such as source code dynamically
generated, transmitted to the translator via an interprocess
communication mechanism or network. Furthermore, implementations may
allow some tokens of a translation unit to be injected via a
configuraton mechanism, such as command line arguments."
Post by David Brown
One thing I would ask before leaving this - could you take a look at the
latest draft for the next C standard after C23?
Thanks, I'm now using that, discontinuing most use of n3096.
Post by David Brown
Look at the definitions of the "reproducible" and "unsequenced" function
type attributes in In particular, look at the leeway
explicitly given to the compiler for re-arranging code in
and similar examples. Consider how that fits (or fails to fit) with
your interpretation of the tranSlation phases in section 5.
These are intersting and useful attributes. They are ortoghonal to the
translation unit issue though.

If we declare that a function in another translation unit is
reproducible, and we call it twice with the same arguments, then
two calls need not take place.

That is not anything like LTO: the function attributes which drives
those semantic possibilities comes from the same translation unit.

If a function is attributed as "reproducible" or "unsequenced" in another
translation unit, such that this is not visible to our current
translation unit (the header file declaration for the function omits
the attributes), then it looks like an ordinary function. If we call
it twice, it gets called twice.

There is no conflict between the semantics of these advanced attributes,
and the claim that LTO is nonconforming.
TXR Programming Language: http://nongnu.org/txr
Cygnal: Cygwin Native Application Library: http://kylheku.com/cygnal
Mastodon: @***@mstdn.ca
James Kuyper
2024-03-23 16:51:58 UTC
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
That is true - /if/ you make the restriction that the translation unit
is complied completely to linkable machine code or assembly, and that it
is not changed in any way when it is combined into the new program.
Such a setup is common in practice, but it is in no way required by the
C standards and does not apply for more advanced compilation and build
Well, it's only not required if you hand-wave away the sentences in
section 5.
Or, you could read the whole of section 5. makes it clear that
all of the other requirements of the standard apply only insofar as the
observable behavior of the program is concerned. Any method of achieving
observable behavior that matches the behavior that would be permitted if
the abstract semantics were followed, is permitted, even if the actual
semantics producing that behavior are quite different from those specified.
Kaz Kylheku
2024-03-24 05:50:44 UTC
Post by James Kuyper
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
That is true - /if/ you make the restriction that the translation unit
is complied completely to linkable machine code or assembly, and that it
is not changed in any way when it is combined into the new program.
Such a setup is common in practice, but it is in no way required by the
C standards and does not apply for more advanced compilation and build
Well, it's only not required if you hand-wave away the sentences in
section 5.
Or, you could read the whole of section 5. makes it clear that
all of the other requirements of the standard apply only insofar as the
Aha, so you agree there are requirements, just that the behavior they
imply can be achieved without them being followed in every detail.
Post by James Kuyper
observable behavior of the program is concerned.
I believe what you're referring to is now in¶6 in N3220.

Yes, you make the excellent point.

If we make any claim about conformance, it has to be rooted in
observable behavior, which is the determiner of conformance.

But we will not find that problem in LTO. If any empirical test of a LTO
implementation shows that there is a difference in the ISO C observable
behavior of a strictly conforming program, that LTO implementation
obviously has a bug, not LTO itself. (So why bother looking.) I mean,
the absolute baseline requirement any LTO implementor strives toward is
no change in observable behavior in a strictly conforming program, which
would be a showstopper.

At best we may be able to say that if those requirements with regard
to translation phase 7 and 9 separation are assiduously followed, the
implementation belongs to a certain identifiable class, which is
suitable for certain purposes (or for certain ways of expressing those
purposes in a program). Certain techniques will be reliable that
would otherwise be not. However, since it is something not reflected in
observable behavior (as defined in ISO C), the class division does not
land along the line of conforming versus non-conforming.
Post by James Kuyper
Any method of achieving observable behavior that matches the behavior
that would be permitted if the abstract semantics were followed, is
permitted, even if the actual semantics producing that behavior are
quite different from those specified.
I've never lost sight of that; however, in this case somehow,
there is something different.

The problem is that that requirements in question, that I have
been concerned about, are not in fact necessary, the first place, for
establishing what the observable behavior is.

It's not the case that the requirements are necesary, but then
another path can be found to that observable behavior.

That is to say, the description of translation phase 7 (for the purposes
of observable behavior and conformance) could as well say that "the
tokens are smantically analyzed and translated, possibly with the help
of access to any truth whatsoever related to the entire program's
observable behavior, by means of a magic oracle." As long as no
falsehood in relation to observable behavior is relied upon by mistake,
all is well as far as ensuring the right observable behavior,
which is synonymous with conforming.
David Brown
2024-03-24 13:21:32 UTC
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by James Kuyper
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
That is true - /if/ you make the restriction that the translation unit
is complied completely to linkable machine code or assembly, and that it
is not changed in any way when it is combined into the new program.
Such a setup is common in practice, but it is in no way required by the
C standards and does not apply for more advanced compilation and build
Well, it's only not required if you hand-wave away the sentences in
section 5.
Or, you could read the whole of section 5. makes it clear that
all of the other requirements of the standard apply only insofar as the
Aha, so you agree there are requirements, just that the behavior they
imply can be achieved without them being followed in every detail.
Post by James Kuyper
observable behavior of the program is concerned.
I believe what you're referring to is now in¶6 in N3220.
Yes. Usually the C standards committee try to avoid inserting sections
and the resulting changes in numbering, but they have, for some reason,
given the first paragraph of 5.1.2 its own section number in n3220 and
bumped everything down a step.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Yes, you make the excellent point.
If we make any claim about conformance, it has to be rooted in
observable behavior, which is the determiner of conformance.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
But we will not find that problem in LTO. If any empirical test of a LTO
implementation shows that there is a difference in the ISO C observable
behavior of a strictly conforming program, that LTO implementation
obviously has a bug, not LTO itself.
Yes. Any optimisation that changes the observable behaviour of a
program (other than amongst alternative correct behaviours - sometimes
there are several for the same input, as a result of unspecified
behaviours) is invalid as an optimisation. (I am assuming the program
does not execute any undefined behaviour - otherwise all bets are off.)

This applies to all optimisations and to the compilation itself -
optimisations don't get to change the observable behaviour. Equally,
any re-arrangement of code or other effects of the compiler that don't
change the observable behaviour are perfectly valid and don't imply
Post by Kaz Kylheku
(So why bother looking.) I mean,
the absolute baseline requirement any LTO implementor strives toward is
no change in observable behavior in a strictly conforming program, which
would be a showstopper.

I don't believe anyone - except you - has said anything otherwise. A C
implementation is conforming if and only if it takes any correct C
source code and generates a program image that always has correct
observable behaviour when no undefined behaviour is executed. There are
no extra imaginary requirements to be conforming, such as not being
allowed to use extra information while compiling translation units.
Kaz Kylheku
2024-03-24 16:02:21 UTC
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
(So why bother looking.) I mean,
the absolute baseline requirement any LTO implementor strives toward is
no change in observable behavior in a strictly conforming program, which
would be a showstopper.
I don't believe anyone - except you - has said anything otherwise. A C
implementation is conforming if and only if it takes any correct C
source code and generates a program image that always has correct
observable behaviour when no undefined behaviour is executed. There are
no extra imaginary requirements to be conforming, such as not being
allowed to use extra information while compiling translation units.
But the requirement isn't imaginary. The "least requirements"
paragraph doesn't mean that all other requirements are imaginary;
most of them are necessary to describe the language so that we know
how to find the observable behavior.

It takes a modicum of inference to deduce that a certain explicitly
stated requirement doesn't exist as far as observability/conformance.

We are clearly not imagining the sentences which describe a classic
translation and linkage model. The argument that they don't matter
for conformance is different from the argument that we imagined
something between the lines. It is the inference based on that
is between the lines; potentially between any pair of lines anywhere!

Furthermore, the requirents may matter to other kinds of observability.

In C programming, we don't always just care about ISO C observability.

In safety critical coding, we might want to conduct a code review of
the disassembly of an object file (does it correctly implement the
intent we believe to be expressed in the source), and then retain that
exact file until wit needs to be recompiled. If the code is actually a
an intermediate code that is further translated during linking, that's
not good; we face the prospect of reviewing potentially the entire image
each time. Thus we might want an implementation which has a way of
conforming to the classic linkage model (that happens to be conveniently

We just may not confuse that conformance (private contract between
implementor and user) with ISO C conformance, as I have.
Sorry about that!

What is significant is that the concept has support in ISO C wording.
Such a contract can just refer to that: "our project requires the
classic translation and linkage model that arises from the translation
phases descriptions 7 and 8 being closely followed".
As long as you have a way to disable LTO (or not enable it), you have
TXR Programming Language: http://nongnu.org/txr
Cygnal: Cygwin Native Application Library: http://kylheku.com/cygnal
Mastodon: @***@mstdn.ca
David Brown
2024-03-24 16:27:12 UTC
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
(So why bother looking.) I mean,
the absolute baseline requirement any LTO implementor strives toward is
no change in observable behavior in a strictly conforming program, which
would be a showstopper.
I don't believe anyone - except you - has said anything otherwise. A C
implementation is conforming if and only if it takes any correct C
source code and generates a program image that always has correct
observable behaviour when no undefined behaviour is executed. There are
no extra imaginary requirements to be conforming, such as not being
allowed to use extra information while compiling translation units.
But the requirement isn't imaginary. The "least requirements"
paragraph doesn't mean that all other requirements are imaginary;
most of them are necessary to describe the language so that we know
how to find the observable behavior.
The text is not imaginary - your reading between the lines /is/. There
is no rule in the C standards stopping the compiler from using
additional information or knowledge about other parts of the program.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
It takes a modicum of inference to deduce that a certain explicitly
stated requirement doesn't exist as far as observability/conformance.
We are clearly not imagining the sentences which describe a classic
translation and linkage model. The argument that they don't matter
for conformance is different from the argument that we imagined
something between the lines. It is the inference based on that
is between the lines; potentially between any pair of lines anywhere!
Furthermore, the requirents may matter to other kinds of observability.
In C programming, we don't always just care about ISO C observability.
I agree on that. The C standards are not the be all and end all of
things of interest to C programmers. If it were, we'd never have
compilers with extensions.

But it /is/ the only thing that matters when you talk about "conforming"

If you want to say that LTO breaks some of the requirements that /you/
have for the way /you/ want to do unit testing, that's absolutely fine.
If you want to say that this applies to many other C developers, I'd
prefer to see a bit of evidence or justification for the claim, but I'd
take it seriously - I fully appreciate that people have needs beyond
what the C standards give them.

But that's not what you have been saying. You have been saying that LTO
breaks the requirements of the C standards, and you are wrong about that.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
In safety critical coding, we might want to conduct a code review of
the disassembly of an object file (does it correctly implement the
intent we believe to be expressed in the source), and then retain that
exact file until wit needs to be recompiled.
Sure. And for that reason, some developers in that field will not use
LTO. I personally don't make much use of LTO because it makes software
a pain to debug. I do, however, retain the full toolchain used for a
project, including all build scripts and flags, libraries and compilers,
and make sure my builds are reproducible on multiple computers - then
any testing or reviews of the disassembly remain valid over time. With
LTO, at least some parts may need to be re-validated after a build even
for source code changes to apparently different parts of the program -
that is a cost that must be weighed against the benefits of LTO. (I
have considered doing LTO builds in parallel with non-LTO builds - using
the LTO builds solely for more advanced static checking, while using the
more debuggable non-LTO build for the "real" binary.)

I have agreed that there are many reasons why LTO might not be a good
choice for any given project. I have merely contended the claim that
conformity is such a reason.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
If the code is actually a
an intermediate code that is further translated during linking, that's
not good; we face the prospect of reviewing potentially the entire image
each time. Thus we might want an implementation which has a way of
conforming to the classic linkage model (that happens to be conveniently
We just may not confuse that conformance (private contract between
implementor and user) with ISO C conformance, as I have.
Sorry about that!
Are you saying that after dozens of posts back and forth where you made
claims about non-conformity of C compilers handling of C code in
comp.lang.c, with heavy references to the C standards which define the
term "conformity", you are now saying that you were not talking about C
standard conformity?
Post by Kaz Kylheku
What is significant is that the concept has support in ISO C wording.
Such a contract can just refer to that: "our project requires the
classic translation and linkage model that arises from the translation
phases descriptions 7 and 8 being closely followed".
As long as you have a way to disable LTO (or not enable it), you have
Chris M. Thomasson
2024-03-24 19:45:45 UTC
Post by Kaz Kylheku
In safety critical coding, we might want to conduct a code review of
the disassembly of an object file (does it correctly implement the
intent we believe to be expressed in the source), and then retain that
exact file until wit needs to be recompiled.
Before C/C++ 11, I was really worried about a hyper aggressive LTO
messing around with my special ASM code for thread sync. So I would
examine the disassembly. One alteration could break it! The problem is
that it might not break right now... But a year from now wrt running for
extended periods of time. If a little shit LTO messed with my externally
assembled functions, assembled into an .o and linked in, will, it could
create a ticking time bomb of very subtle race conditions...


James Kuyper
2024-03-22 17:05:49 UTC
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
Link time optimization is as valid as cross-function optimization *as
long as* it doesn't change the defined behavior of the program.
It always does; the interaction of a translation unit with another
is an externally visible aspect of the C program.
The standard makes no use of the concept of "externally visible aspects".

"The least requirements on a conforming implementation are:
— Volatile accesses to objects are evaluated strictly according to the
rules of the abstract machine.
— At program termination, all data written into files shall be identical
to the result that execution of the program according to the abstract
semantics would have produced.
— The input and output dynamics of interactive devices shall take place
as specified in 7.23.3.
The intent of these requirements is that unbuffered or line-buffered
output appear as soon as possible, to ensure that prompting messages
appear prior to a program waiting for input.
This is the observable behavior of the program." (

The term "observable behavior" is italicized, an ISO convention
indicating that the sentence in which that term is italicized
constitutes the official definition of that term. Note, in particular,
that the term does NOT mean "behavior which can be observed", which
would otherwise be closely connected to your concept of "externally
visible aspects".

Note that "observable behavior" does NOT include function calls, not
even calls to functions defined in different translation units.

The standard explicitly permits optimizations which violate the abstract
semantics, so long as they result in the same observable behavior as if
the abstract semantics had been obeyed. Being able to express that
concept is the only reason that the term "observable behavior" exists.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
... (That can be inferred
from the rules which forbid semantic analysis across translation
units, only linkage.)
I see no wording forbidding such analysis. The section you cite permits
separate translation, but does not forbid whole-program translation.

Post by Kaz Kylheku
If I have some translation unit in which there is a function foo, such
that when I call foo, it then calls an external function bar, that's
Not in the sense of "observable behavior" as that term is defined by the
C standard.

Post by Kaz Kylheku
Since ISO C says that the semantic analysis has been done (that
unit having gone through phase 7),
A footnote makes it clear that the translation phases are purely
conceptual, identifying the precedence between the different semantic
rules that they specify. An implementation is not prohibited from
intermingling the translation phases, so long as it produces the same
observable behavior as if it had not intermingled them.

Post by Kaz Kylheku
If you have LTO turned on, you might be programming in GNU C or Clang C
or whatever, not standard C.
True, but you also could be programming in standard C.
David Brown
2024-03-22 17:42:19 UTC
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Stefan Ram
void f( void )
{ char buffer[ MAX ];
/* . . . */
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer )); }
. Can you see what the bug is?
I don't know about "the bug", but conditions can be identified under
which that would have a problem executing, like MAX being in excess
of available automatic storage.
If the /*...*/ comment represents the elision of some security sensitive
code, where the memset is intended to obliterate secret information,
of course, that obliteration is not required to work.
After the memset, the buffer has no next use, so the all the assignments
performed by memset to the bytes of buffer are dead assignments that can
be elided.
To securely clear memory, you have to use a function for that purpose
that is not susceptible to optimization.
If you're not doing anything stupid, like link time optimization, an
external function in another translation unit (a function that the
compiler doesn't recognize as being an alias or wrapper for memset)
ought to suffice.
Using LTO is not "stupid". Relying on people /not/ using LTO, or not
using other valid optimisations, is "stupid".
LTO is a nonconforming optimization. It destroys the concept that
when a translation unit is translated, the semantic analysis is
complete, such that the only remaining activity is resolution of
external references (linkage), and that the semantic analysis of one
translation unit deos not use information about another translation
This has not yet changed in last April's N3096 draft, where
7. White-space characters separating tokens are no longer significant.
Each preprocessing token is converted into a token. The resulting
tokens are syntactically and semantically analyzed and translated
as a translation unit.
8. All external object and function references are resolved. Library
components are linked to satisfy external references to functions
and objects not defined in the current translation. All such
translator output is collected into a program image which contains
information needed for execution in its execution environment.
The separate translation units of a program communicate by (for
example) calls to functions whose identifiers have external linkage,
manipulation of objects whose identifiers have external linkage, or
manipulation of data files. Translation units may be separately
translated and then later linked to produce an executable program.
LTO deviates from the the model that translation units are separate,
and the conceptual steps of phases 7 and 8.
Link time optimization is as valid as cross-function optimization *as
long as* it doesn't change the defined behavior of the program.
It always does; the interaction of a translation unit with another
is an externally visible aspect of the C program.
The C standards don't define a term "externally visible". They define
"observable behaviour", and require that a conforming implementation
generates a program that matches the "observable behaviour". This is in Interaction between translation units is not part of the
observable behaviour of a program, because it is not relevant to the
concept of /running/ a program - it is only relevant when translating
the source to the program image.

Thus the "as if" rules apply - the compiler can do whatever it wants -
up to and including asking ChatGPT for an exe file - as long as the
result is a /program/ that gives the same "observable behaviour" as you
would get from an abstract machine.

You should read the footnotes to "Translation phases".
Footnotes are not normative, but they are helpful in explaining the
meaning of the text. They note that compilers don't have to follow the
details of the translation phases, and that source files, translation
units, and translated translation units don't have to have one-to-one

The standard also does not say what the output of "translation" is - it
does not have to be assembly or machine code. It can happily be an
internal format, as used by gcc and clang/llvm. It does not define what
"linking" is, or how the translated translation units are "collected
into a program image" - combining the partially compiled units,
optimising, and then generating a program image is well within that
Post by Kaz Kylheku
(That can be inferred
from the rules which forbid semantic analysis across translation
units, only linkage.)
The rules do not forbid semantic analysis across translation units -
they merely do not /require/ it. You are making an inference without
any justification that I can see.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
That's why we can have a real world security issue caused by zeroing
being optimized away.
No, it is not. We have real-world security issues for all sorts of
reasons, including people mistakenly thinking they can force particular
types of code generation by calling functions in different source files.

(To be clear here, before LTO became common, that was a strategy that
worked. There is a long history in C programming of dilemmas between
writing code that you know works efficiently on current tools, or
writing code that you know is guaranteed correct by the standards but is
inefficient with current tools.)
Post by Kaz Kylheku
The rules spelled out in ISO C allow us to unit test a translation
unit by linking it to some harness, and be sure it has exactly the
same behaviors when linked to the production program.
No, they don't.

If the unit you are testing calls something outside that unit, you may
get different behaviours when testing and when used in production. The
only thing you can be sure of from testing is that if you find a bug
during testing, you have a bug in the code. You can never use testing
to be sure that the code works (with the exception of exhaustive testing
of all possible inputs, which is rarely practical).
Post by Kaz Kylheku
If I have some translation unit in which there is a function foo, such
that when I call foo, it then calls an external function bar, that's
observable. lists the three things that C defines as "observable
behaviour". Function calls - internal or external - are not amongst these.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
I can link that unit to a program which supplies bar,
containing a printf call, then call foo and verify that the printf call
is executed.
Yes, you can. The printf call - or, more exactly, the "input and output
dynamics" - are observable behaviour. The call to "bar", however, is not.

The compiler, when compiling the source of "foo", will include a call to
"bar" when it does not have the source code (or other detailed semantic
information) for "bar" available at the time. But you are mistaken to
think it does so because the call is "observable" or required by the C
standard. It does so because it cannot prove that /running/ the
function "bar" contains no observable behaviour, or otherwise affects
the observable behaviour of the program. The compiler cannot skip the
call unless it can be sure it is safe to do so - and if it knows nothing
about the implementation of "bar", it must assume the worst.

Sometimes the compiler may have additional information - such as if it
is declared the gcc "const" or "pure" attributes (or the standardised
"unsequenced" and "reproducible" attributes in the draft for the next C
version after C23). This may allow a compiler to re-arrange calls,
duplicating them, eliminating them, or re-ordering them in various ways.
(The C2y draft includes running such functions once at startup for
each input value, and preserving the results for later use, as a
permissible optimisation. It does this without having changed the
description of translation phases or observable behaviour. But of
course it is still just a draft.)
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Since ISO C says that the semantic analysis has been done (that
unit having gone through phase 7), we can take it for granted as a
done-and-dusted property of that translation unit that it calls bar
whenever its foo is invoked.
No, we can't - see above. Nothing in the C standards forbids any
additional analysis, or using other information in code generation.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
Say I have a call to foo in main, and the definition of foo is in
another translation unit. In the absence of LTO, the compiler will have
to generate a call to foo. If LTO is able to determine that foo doesn't
do anything, it can remove the code for the function call, and the
resulting behavior of the linked program is unchanged.
There always situations in which optimizations that have been forbidden
don't cause a problem, and are even desirable.
Can you give examples?

You already mentioned "-fast-math" (and by implication, its various
subflags in gcc, clang and icc). These are clearly documented as
allowing some violations of the C standards (and not least, the IEEE
floating point standards, which are stricter than those of C).
Post by Kaz Kylheku
If you have LTO turned on, you might be programming in GNU C or Clang C
or whatever, not standard C.
You might be programming in GNU C. You might be programming in a
standard C version (modulo bugs in the compiler).
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Sometimes programs have the same interpretation in GNU C and standard
C, or the same interpretation to someone who doesn't care about certain
(While I don't much like an "appeal to authority" argument, I think it's
worth noting that the major C / C++ compilers, gcc, clang/llvm and MSVC,
all support link-time optimisation. They also all work together with
both the C and C++ standards committees. It would be quite the scandal
if there were any truth in your claims and these compiler vendors were
all breaking the rules of the languages they help to specify!)
Kaz Kylheku
2024-03-22 18:55:15 UTC
Post by David Brown
You should read the footnotes to "Translation phases".
Footnotes are not normative, but they are helpful in explaining the
meaning of the text. They note that compilers don't have to follow the
details of the translation phases, and that source files, translation
units, and translated translation units don't have to have one-to-one
Yes, I'm aware of that. For instance preprocessing can all be jumbled
into one process. But it has to produce that result.

Even if translation phases 7 and 8 are combined, the semantic analysis
of the individual translation unit has to appear to be settled before
linkage. So for instance a translation unit could incrementally emerge
from the semantic analysis steps, and those parts of it already analyzed
(phase 7) could start to be linked to other translation units (phase 8).

I'm just saying that certain information leakage is clearly permitted,
regardless of how the phases are integrated.
Post by David Brown
The standard also does not say what the output of "translation" is - it
does not have to be assembly or machine code. It can happily be an
internal format, as used by gcc and clang/llvm. It does not define what
"linking" is, or how the translated translation units are "collected
into a program image" - combining the partially compiled units,
optimising, and then generating a program image is well within that
Post by Kaz Kylheku
(That can be inferred
from the rules which forbid semantic analysis across translation
units, only linkage.)
The rules do not forbid semantic analysis across translation units -
they merely do not /require/ it. You are making an inference without
any justification that I can see.
Translation phase 7 is clearly about a single translation unit in

"The resulting tokens are syntactically and semantically analyzed
and translated as a translation unit."

Not: "as a combination of multiple translation uints". clearly refers to "[t]he separate translation units of a

LTO pretends that the program is still divided into the same translation
units, while minging them together in ways contrary to all those
chapter 5 descriptions.

The conforming way to obtain LTO is to actually combine multiple
preprocessing translation units into one.
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
That's why we can have a real world security issue caused by zeroing
being optimized away.
No, it is not. We have real-world security issues for all sorts of
reasons, including people mistakenly thinking they can force particular
types of code generation by calling functions in different source files.
In fact, that code generation is forced, when people do not use LTO,
which is not enabled by default.
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
The rules spelled out in ISO C allow us to unit test a translation
unit by linking it to some harness, and be sure it has exactly the
same behaviors when linked to the production program.
No, they don't.
If the unit you are testing calls something outside that unit, you may
get different behaviours when testing and when used in production.
Yes; if you do nonconforming things.
Post by David Brown
only thing you can be sure of from testing is that if you find a bug
during testing, you have a bug in the code. You can never use testing
to be sure that the code works (with the exception of exhaustive testing
of all possible inputs, which is rarely practical).
LTO will break translation units that are simple enough to be trivially
proven to have a certain behavior.
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
If I have some translation unit in which there is a function foo, such
that when I call foo, it then calls an external function bar, that's
observable. lists the three things that C defines as "observable
behaviour". Function calls - internal or external - are not amongst these.
External calls are de facto observable, because we have it for granted
when we have a translation unit that calls a certain function, we can
supply another translation unit which supplies that function. In
that function we can communicate with the host environment to confirm
that it was called.
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
I can link that unit to a program which supplies bar,
containing a printf call, then call foo and verify that the printf call
is executed.
Yes, you can. The printf call - or, more exactly, the "input and output
dynamics" - are observable behaviour. The call to "bar", however, is not.
If bar does not call the function, then the observable behavior of
printf doesn't occur either; they linked by logic / cause-and-effect.

A behavior that is not itself formally classified as observable can be
discovered by logical linkage to be necessary for the production of
observable behavior. It can be an "if, and only if" linkage.

If an observable behavior B occurs if, and only if, some behavior A
occurs, then the fact of whether A occurs or not is de facto observable.
Post by David Brown
The compiler, when compiling the source of "foo", will include a call to
"bar" when it does not have the source code (or other detailed semantic
information) for "bar" available at the time.
Translation phases 1 to 7 forbid processing material from another
translation unit. Conforming semantic analysis of a translation unit has
nothing but that translation unit.
Post by David Brown
But you are mistaken to
think it does so because the call is "observable" or required by the C
Sure; let's say that the call can be tied to observable behavior
elsewhere such that the call occurs if and only if the observable
behavior occurs.
Post by David Brown
It does so because it cannot prove that /running/ the
function "bar" contains no observable behaviour, or otherwise affects
the observable behaviour of the program. The compiler cannot skip the
call unless it can be sure it is safe to do so - and if it knows nothing
about the implementation of "bar", it must assume the worst.
The compiler cannot do any of this if it is in a conforming mode.

But sure, in the nonconforming LTO paradigm, which does have to adhere
to sane rules, that more or less follow what would have to happen if
multiple preprocessing translation units were merged at the token level
and thus analyzed together.
Post by David Brown
Sometimes the compiler may have additional information - such as if it
is declared the gcc "const" or "pure" attributes (or the standardised
"unsequenced" and "reproducible" attributes in the draft for the next C
version after C23).
If the declarations are available only in another translation unit,
they cannot be taken into account when analyzing this translation unit.
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Since ISO C says that the semantic analysis has been done (that
unit having gone through phase 7), we can take it for granted as a
done-and-dusted property of that translation unit that it calls bar
whenever its foo is invoked.
No, we can't - see above. Nothing in the C standards forbids any
additional analysis, or using other information in code generation.
Any semantic analysis performed be that which is stated in translation
phase 7, which happens for one translation unit, before considering
linkage to other translation units.

What forbids is is that no semantic analysis activity is decribed as
taking place in translation phase 8, other than linage.
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
Say I have a call to foo in main, and the definition of foo is in
another translation unit. In the absence of LTO, the compiler will have
to generate a call to foo. If LTO is able to determine that foo doesn't
do anything, it can remove the code for the function call, and the
resulting behavior of the linked program is unchanged.
There always situations in which optimizations that have been forbidden
don't cause a problem, and are even desirable.
Can you give examples?
You already mentioned "-fast-math" (and by implication, its various
subflags in gcc, clang and icc). These are clearly documented as
allowing some violations of the C standards (and not least, the IEEE
floating point standards, which are stricter than those of C).
Yes, and some people want that, learn how it works, and get their
programs working with it, all the while knowing that it's
nonconforming to IEEE and ISO C.

Another tool in the box.
Post by David Brown
(While I don't much like an "appeal to authority" argument, I think it's
worth noting that the major C / C++ compilers, gcc, clang/llvm and MSVC,
all support link-time optimisation. They also all work together with
both the C and C++ standards committees. It would be quite the scandal
if there were any truth in your claims and these compiler vendors were
all breaking the rules of the languages they help to specify!)
Why would it be?

In the first place, all the implementations you mention have to be
explicitly put into a nondefault configuration in order to resemble
conforming ISO C implementations.

LTO is not even enabled by default (for good reasons).

A few goofballs who maintain GNU/Linux distros are turning on LTO for
compiling upstream packages whose development they know nothing about
beyond ./configure && make. (Luckily, the projects themselves can take
countermeasures to defend against this.)

I think the fact that LTO is almost certainly nonconforming deserves
more attention, but not panic or anything like that.

LTO should be made into a conforming feature that is optional.
Translation phase 8 can be split into 8 and 9. In 8, translation units
would be optionally partitioned into subsets. Each subset containing
two or more translation units would be be subjected to further semantic
analysis, as a group, and turned into a subset translation unit.
Phase 9 would be same as former 8.

Whether an implementation supports subsetting and the manner in which
units are indicated for subsetting would be implementation-defined, but
it would be clear that there is a semantic difference, and that each
implementation must support a translation mode in which the subsetting
isn't performed.
TXR Programming Language: http://nongnu.org/txr
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David Brown
2024-03-22 20:26:22 UTC
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
You should read the footnotes to "Translation phases".
Footnotes are not normative, but they are helpful in explaining the
meaning of the text. They note that compilers don't have to follow the
details of the translation phases, and that source files, translation
units, and translated translation units don't have to have one-to-one
Yes, I'm aware of that. For instance preprocessing can all be jumbled
into one process. But it has to produce that result.
Even if translation phases 7 and 8 are combined, the semantic analysis
of the individual translation unit has to appear to be settled before
linkage. So for instance a translation unit could incrementally emerge
from the semantic analysis steps, and those parts of it already analyzed
(phase 7) could start to be linked to other translation units (phase 8).
Again, you are inferring far too much here. The standard is /not/
limiting like this.

Compilers can make use of all sorts of additional information. They
have always been able to do so. They can use extra information provided
by compiler extensions - such as gcc attributes. They can use
information from profiling to optimise based on real-world usage. They
can analyse source code files and use that analysis for optimisation
(and hopefully also static error checking).

Consider this:

A compiler can happily analyse each source code file in all kinds of
ways, completely independently of what the C standards (or perhaps, by
happy coincidence, using the same types of pre-processing and
interpretation). This analysis can be stored in files or some other
storage place. Do you agree that this is allowed, or do you think the C
standards somehow ban it? Note that we are calling this "analysis" -
not C compilation.

Now the compiler starts the "real" compilation, passing through the
translation phases one by one. When it gets to phase 7, it reads all
this stored analysis information. (Nothing in the standards says the
compiler can't pull in extra information - it is quite normal, for
example, to pull in code snippets as part of the compilation process.)
For each translation unit, it produces two outputs (in one "fat" object
file) - one part is a relatively dumb translation that does not make use
of the analysis, the other uses the analysis information to generate
more optimal code. Both parts make up the "translator output" for the
translation unit. Again, can you point to anything in the C standards
that would forbid this?

Then we come to phase 8. The compiler (or linker) reads all the
"translator output" files needed for the complete program. It checks
that it has the same set of input files as were used during the
pre-compilation analysis. If they are all the same, then the analysis
information about the different units is valid, and thus the
optimisations using that extra information are valid. The "dumb
translation" versions can be used as a fallback if the analysis was not
valid - otherwise they are thrown out, and the more optimised versions
are linked together.

There is nothing in the description of the translation phases that
hinders this. All the compiler has to do is ensure that the final
program - not any individual translation units - has correct observable

I would also refer you to section 1 of the C standards - "Scope". In
particular, note that "This document does /not/ specify the mechanism by
which C programs are transformed for use by a data-processing system".
(Emphasis mine.) The workings of the compiler are not part of the standard.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
I'm just saying that certain information leakage is clearly permitted,
regardless of how the phases are integrated.
Post by David Brown
The standard also does not say what the output of "translation" is - it
does not have to be assembly or machine code. It can happily be an
internal format, as used by gcc and clang/llvm. It does not define what
"linking" is, or how the translated translation units are "collected
into a program image" - combining the partially compiled units,
optimising, and then generating a program image is well within that
Post by Kaz Kylheku
(That can be inferred
from the rules which forbid semantic analysis across translation
units, only linkage.)
The rules do not forbid semantic analysis across translation units -
they merely do not /require/ it. You are making an inference without
any justification that I can see.
Translation phase 7 is clearly about a single translation unit in
"The resulting tokens are syntactically and semantically analyzed
and translated as a translation unit."
Not: "as a combination of multiple translation uints".
The point is that many things are local to a translation unit, such as
statics, type definitions, and so on. These are valid within the
translation unit (within their scope, of course), and independent of
identically named items in other translation units. It is about
defining a kind of "unit of compilation" for the language semantics - it
is /not/ restricting the behaviour of a compiler.

LTO does not change the language semantics in any way. The language
semantics determine the observable behaviour of the program, and we have
already established that this must be unchanged. Generated instructions
for a target are not part of the language semantics.
Post by Kaz Kylheku clearly refers to "[t]he separate translation units of a
It does so all in terms of what a compiler /may/ do.

And there is never any specification of the result of a "translation".
It can happily be byte-code, or internal toolchain-specific formats.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
LTO pretends that the program is still divided into the same translation
units, while minging them together in ways contrary to all those
chapter 5 descriptions.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
The conforming way to obtain LTO is to actually combine multiple
preprocessing translation units into one.
You could do that if you like (after manipulating things to handle
statics, type definitions, etc.).

And you would then find that if "foo()" in "foo.c" called "bar()" in
"bar.c", the call to "bar()" might be inlined, or omitted, or otherwise
optimised, just as it could be if they were both defined in the same
translation unit.

The result would be the same kind of object code as you get with LTO -
one in which the observable behaviour is as expected, but you might get
different details in the generated code.

I don't know why you would think that this kind of combination of units
is conforming, but LTO is not. It's all the same thing in principle -
the only difference is that real-world implementations of LTO are
designed to be scalable, do as much as possible in parallel, and avoid
re-doing work for files that don't change.

Some link-time optimisation or "whole program optimisation" toolchains
are aimed at small code bases (such as might fit into a small
microcontroller) and combine all the source code together then handle it
all at once. Again, the principles and the semantics are not any
different from gcc LTO - it's just a different way of splitting up the work.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
That's why we can have a real world security issue caused by zeroing
being optimized away.
No, it is not. We have real-world security issues for all sorts of
reasons, including people mistakenly thinking they can force particular
types of code generation by calling functions in different source files.
In fact, that code generation is forced, when people do not use LTO,
which is not enabled by default.
No, it is not.

The C standards don't talk about LTO, or whether or not it is enabled,
or what is "default", or even what kind of code generation you get.

If the compiler knows that a function call will not have or affect
observable behaviour, it can omit that call. It does not matter how it
knows this. LTO is a very practical way to get this information, but it
might not be the only way. Profile-guided optimisation information may
provide the same information. So could attributes given in the function
declaration (and a future C standard will likely support such attributes).

But if the compiler doesn't know for sure that it is safe to omit the
call, then it must generate it. Correctness trumps optimisation!
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
The rules spelled out in ISO C allow us to unit test a translation
unit by linking it to some harness, and be sure it has exactly the
same behaviors when linked to the production program.
No, they don't.
If the unit you are testing calls something outside that unit, you may
get different behaviours when testing and when used in production.
Yes; if you do nonconforming things.
No one is suggesting doing "nonconforming things".

To give a simple example, suppose your unit is intended to perform some
calculations and then call a callback with the result. In a test
harness, you would provide a callback that checks the result against the
expected value, and provides a pass/fail log message. In production
use, you would provide a callback that pops up a window with the value,
or sends it in an email to the user. The observable behaviour of the
production program and the test program is very different.

In fact, unless you are testing the production version, or you are
producing a test harness, you would normally expect very different
observable behaviours from any unit testing and real usage of the code.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
only thing you can be sure of from testing is that if you find a bug
during testing, you have a bug in the code. You can never use testing
to be sure that the code works (with the exception of exhaustive testing
of all possible inputs, which is rarely practical).
LTO will break translation units that are simple enough to be trivially
proven to have a certain behavior.
Again, claiming this will not make it true. You need to update your
ideas about what observable behaviour actually is.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
If I have some translation unit in which there is a function foo, such
that when I call foo, it then calls an external function bar, that's
observable. lists the three things that C defines as "observable
behaviour". Function calls - internal or external - are not amongst these.
External calls are de facto observable,
The phrase "de facto" is an admission that you understand that none of
this is part of the /actual/ standards. You have dropped from "the
official standards make this clear" down to "I think this".
Post by Kaz Kylheku
because we have it for granted
when we have a translation unit that calls a certain function, we can
supply another translation unit which supplies that function. In
that function we can communicate with the host environment to confirm
that it was called.
All such boundaries are lost in the link stage, before observable
behaviour becomes relevant.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
I can link that unit to a program which supplies bar,
containing a printf call, then call foo and verify that the printf call
is executed.
Yes, you can. The printf call - or, more exactly, the "input and output
dynamics" - are observable behaviour. The call to "bar", however, is not.
If bar does not call the function, then the observable behavior of
printf doesn't occur either; they linked by logic / cause-and-effect.

The compiler-generated code must produce the correct observable
behaviour. It can do that however it likes. It can put a call to
"printf" directly in "foo". It can replace the "printf" with a "puts"
or a series of target-specific "write_a_char" calls if the results are
the same.

C is defined in terms of behaviour, not particular instruction
sequences. If you write "x = y * 4;", the compiler can generate
instructions that look like "x = y + y + y + y;", or "x = y * 2; x = x +
y + y;", or "x = y << 8 - (2 * y + 3 * y - y)_;", or anything it likes
as long as the result is correct (and obviously avoiding any extra
Post by Kaz Kylheku
A behavior that is not itself formally classified as observable can be
discovered by logical linkage to be necessary for the production of
observable behavior. It can be an "if, and only if" linkage.
If an observable behavior B occurs if, and only if, some behavior A
occurs, then the fact of whether A occurs or not is de facto observable.
Calling it "de facto observable behaviour" is just confusing your
understanding here. But you can well say that if B is observed, that
means A must have happened.

However, you have not in any way shown that A (in this case,
instructions to call the function "bar") is the only way to result in
the observable behaviour.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
The compiler, when compiling the source of "foo", will include a call to
"bar" when it does not have the source code (or other detailed semantic
information) for "bar" available at the time.
Translation phases 1 to 7 forbid processing material from another
translation unit.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Conforming semantic analysis of a translation unit has
nothing but that translation unit.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
But you are mistaken to
think it does so because the call is "observable" or required by the C
Sure; let's say that the call can be tied to observable behavior
elsewhere such that the call occurs if and only if the observable
behavior occurs.
That would be a better way to put it. But it is still not the case here.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
It does so because it cannot prove that /running/ the
function "bar" contains no observable behaviour, or otherwise affects
the observable behaviour of the program. The compiler cannot skip the
call unless it can be sure it is safe to do so - and if it knows nothing
about the implementation of "bar", it must assume the worst.
The compiler cannot do any of this if it is in a conforming mode.
The compiler can omit the call to "bar" if it is sure that it results in
no observable behaviour. It cannot omit it if it is not sure of this.
It is /that/ simple.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
But sure, in the nonconforming LTO paradigm, which does have to adhere
to sane rules, that more or less follow what would have to happen if
multiple preprocessing translation units were merged at the token level
and thus analyzed together.
Post by David Brown
Sometimes the compiler may have additional information - such as if it
is declared the gcc "const" or "pure" attributes (or the standardised
"unsequenced" and "reproducible" attributes in the draft for the next C
version after C23).
If the declarations are available only in another translation unit,
they cannot be taken into account when analyzing this translation unit.

This is really the crux of your misunderstandings. You have read
between the lines of the standard and imagined rules that don't exist.
Once you realise that they are imaginary, I expect the rest to fall into
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Since ISO C says that the semantic analysis has been done (that
unit having gone through phase 7), we can take it for granted as a
done-and-dusted property of that translation unit that it calls bar
whenever its foo is invoked.
No, we can't - see above. Nothing in the C standards forbids any
additional analysis, or using other information in code generation.
Any semantic analysis performed be that which is stated in translation
phase 7, which happens for one translation unit, before considering
linkage to other translation units.
What forbids is is that no semantic analysis activity is decribed as
taking place in translation phase 8, other than linage.
The C standards also don't describe drinking coffee while waiting for
the compiler. Just because something is not mentioned, does not mean it
is forbidden!
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
Say I have a call to foo in main, and the definition of foo is in
another translation unit. In the absence of LTO, the compiler will have
to generate a call to foo. If LTO is able to determine that foo doesn't
do anything, it can remove the code for the function call, and the
resulting behavior of the linked program is unchanged.
There always situations in which optimizations that have been forbidden
don't cause a problem, and are even desirable.
Can you give examples?
You already mentioned "-fast-math" (and by implication, its various
subflags in gcc, clang and icc). These are clearly documented as
allowing some violations of the C standards (and not least, the IEEE
floating point standards, which are stricter than those of C).
Yes, and some people want that, learn how it works, and get their
programs working with it, all the while knowing that it's
nonconforming to IEEE and ISO C.
Indeed. I am "some people" in this context.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Another tool in the box.

But "-ffast-math" was already covered, and is irrelevant precisely
because it is entirely clear that it is potentially standards-violating.
(But it is not "forbidden". I have yet to see any ISO C police
enforcers at my office door, waving a warrant.)

I wanted to know if you had other examples of what you see as
standards-violating optimisations that are not documented as such.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
(While I don't much like an "appeal to authority" argument, I think it's
worth noting that the major C / C++ compilers, gcc, clang/llvm and MSVC,
all support link-time optimisation. They also all work together with
both the C and C++ standards committees. It would be quite the scandal
if there were any truth in your claims and these compiler vendors were
all breaking the rules of the languages they help to specify!)
Why would it be?
It would run counter to the whole point of having a standard.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
In the first place, all the implementations you mention have to be
explicitly put into a nondefault configuration in order to resemble
conforming ISO C implementations.
Yes, but they are clear about that. (At least, gcc is - I haven't read
the documentation for clang as thoroughly, and have barely touched MSVC.)

It is absolutely fine for a compiler to have conforming and
non-conforming modes. But it is /not/ fine for it to have a major part
of its optimisation that is as critically non-conforming as you seem to
believe, and not even mention this fact.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
LTO is not even enabled by default (for good reasons).
The good reasons are that not all setups support it (it needs particular
linkers), it can significantly increase build times, it makes some kinds
of debugging nearly impossible, it plays badly with other tools such as
profilers and code coverage analysis, and you can have trouble if you
are doing weird things with compiler and linker file interaction or some
other kinds of non-standard C coding.

And like many optimisations, it can change the behaviour of incorrect
code that happens to work by luck with different choices of optimisation

Those are all very good reasons for not enabling it for default, when
the results are often only a few percent improvement in efficiency (for
some code, it can be a lot more helpful).

Most compilers don't enable /any/ significant optimisation by default.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
A few goofballs who maintain GNU/Linux distros are turning on LTO for
compiling upstream packages whose development they know nothing about
beyond ./configure && make. (Luckily, the projects themselves can take
countermeasures to defend against this.)
I think the fact that LTO is almost certainly nonconforming deserves
more attention, but not panic or anything like that.
If it /were/ nonconforming, I think that would deserve huge attention.
But it is not.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
LTO should be made into a conforming feature that is optional.
Translation phase 8 can be split into 8 and 9. In 8, translation units
would be optionally partitioned into subsets. Each subset containing
two or more translation units would be be subjected to further semantic
analysis, as a group, and turned into a subset translation unit.
Phase 9 would be same as former 8.
Whether an implementation supports subsetting and the manner in which
units are indicated for subsetting would be implementation-defined, but
it would be clear that there is a semantic difference, and that each
implementation must support a translation mode in which the subsetting
isn't performed.
James Kuyper
2024-03-22 16:35:52 UTC
On 3/21/24 16:46, Keith Thompson wrote:
Post by Keith Thompson
Link time optimization is as valid as cross-function optimization *as
long as* it doesn't change the defined behavior of the program.
Minor adjustment: due to unspecified behavior, some code can have
multiple permitted behaviors. LTO could be conforming even if it changed
the behavior, as long as it changes it to one of the other permitted
behaviors. For implementation-defined behavior, the fact that the change
could happen would have to be documented.
Kaz Kylheku
2024-03-22 17:28:08 UTC
Post by James Kuyper
Post by Keith Thompson
Link time optimization is as valid as cross-function optimization *as
long as* it doesn't change the defined behavior of the program.
Minor adjustment: due to unspecified behavior, some code can have
multiple permitted behaviors. LTO could be conforming even if it changed
the behavior, as long as it changes it to one of the other permitted
behaviors. For implementation-defined behavior, the fact that the change
could happen would have to be documented.
Some unspecified behaviors can change at execution time, like the
unspecified value of an uninitialized unsigned char object in
a malloc-ed block.

If the unspecified behavior a translation unit is changed to another in
a way that obviously requires semantic analysis (such that a change
occurs in the translated unit that amounts to it having been
re-translated) then that appears to violate the requirements in ISO C
about semantic analysis being done in phase 7, and not any later.

I think translation units can be retained in a form that has not
completely gone through translation phase 7. Such that before linkage,
analysis can take place which completes phase 7, before 8 begins.

However, that analysis has to be done in isolation. The standard
describes translation units as being separate.

If we take N translation units from phases 1 to 6, and halfway through
7, and then to complete the semantic analysis of phase 7, the translator
peeks across all N units, then that is no longer proper separation of
translation units right through phase 7. Combination of translation
units can only begin in 8, by which time semantic analysis is done.
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James Kuyper
2024-03-22 17:38:40 UTC
On 3/22/24 13:28, Kaz Kylheku wrote:
Post by Kaz Kylheku
If the unspecified behavior a translation unit is changed to another in
a way that obviously requires semantic analysis (such that a change
occurs in the translated unit that amounts to it having been
re-translated) then that appears to violate the requirements in ISO C
about semantic analysis being done in phase 7, and not any later.
There is no such requirement. The translation phases are explicitly not
required to be done in the specified order, so long as the result is one
that would be permitted by doing them in that order.
David Brown
2024-03-22 12:51:53 UTC
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Stefan Ram
void f( void )
{ char buffer[ MAX ];
/* . . . */
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer )); }
. Can you see what the bug is?
I don't know about "the bug", but conditions can be identified under
which that would have a problem executing, like MAX being in excess
of available automatic storage.
If the /*...*/ comment represents the elision of some security sensitive
code, where the memset is intended to obliterate secret information,
of course, that obliteration is not required to work.
After the memset, the buffer has no next use, so the all the assignments
performed by memset to the bytes of buffer are dead assignments that can
be elided.
To securely clear memory, you have to use a function for that purpose
that is not susceptible to optimization.
If you're not doing anything stupid, like link time optimization, an
external function in another translation unit (a function that the
compiler doesn't recognize as being an alias or wrapper for memset)
ought to suffice.
Using LTO is not "stupid". Relying on people /not/ using LTO, or not
using other valid optimisations, is "stupid".
LTO is a nonconforming optimization.
Really? That is news to me, and I suspect to the folks at gcc and
clang/llvm that developed LTO for these compilers. (I have worked with
embedded compilers that have had LTO-type optimisations for decades, but
these are not often concerned with the minutiae of the standards.)
Post by Kaz Kylheku
It destroys the concept that
when a translation unit is translated, the semantic analysis is
complete, such that the only remaining activity is resolution of
external references (linkage), and that the semantic analysis of one
translation unit deos not use information about another translation
Where is it described in the C standards that semantic information from
one translation unit cannot be used (for optimisation, for static error
checking, for other analysis or any other purposes) in another
translation unit?

What makes you think that LTO, as implemented in compilers like gcc and
clang/llvm, do not generate code according to the "as if" rules? (That
is, they can generate code that is more optimal, but produces the same
observable effects "as if" they were strict dumb translators of the
functioning of the C abstract machine.)

I believe there is very little where the behaviour of a C program is
different if parts of the code are in one translation unit, or if they
are in several. There are utilities that merge multiple C files into
single C files (for easier deployment, or for better optimisation).
They have to take into account renaming static objects and functions to
file-local names, and remove duplicate type definitions, but as long as
certain reasonable rules are followed by the programmer, it all goes
fine. (You could, I suppose, hit complications if you relied on
compatibility of struct or union types across translation units where
the identifiers were different and they are compatible across TU's but
not within TU's, according to the 6.2.7p1 rules. But that would be
unlikely, and I expect LTO compilers to handle those cases.)
Post by Kaz Kylheku
This has not yet changed in last April's N3096 draft, where
7. White-space characters separating tokens are no longer significant.
Each preprocessing token is converted into a token. The resulting
tokens are syntactically and semantically analyzed and translated
as a translation unit.
8. All external object and function references are resolved. Library
components are linked to satisfy external references to functions
and objects not defined in the current translation. All such
translator output is collected into a program image which contains
information needed for execution in its execution environment.
The separate translation units of a program communicate by (for
example) calls to functions whose identifiers have external linkage,
manipulation of objects whose identifiers have external linkage, or
manipulation of data files. Translation units may be separately
translated and then later linked to produce an executable program.
All of that is irrelevant. It says nothing against sharing other
Post by Kaz Kylheku
LTO deviates from the the model that translation units are separate,
and the conceptual steps of phases 7 and 8.
No, it does not. These paragraphs are requirements, not limitations.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
The translation unit that is prepared for LTO is not fully cooked. You
have no idea what its code will turn into when the interrupted
compilation is resumed during linkage, under the influence of other
tranlation units it is combined with.
You have as much and as little idea of what the generated code will be
as you always do during compilation. Compilers can do all kinds of
manipulations of the source code you write - as long as the observable
behaviour of the program is the same as a dumb translation. They can,
and do, use all kinds of inter-procedural optimisations for inlining
code, outlining it, breaking functions into pieces, cloning them, using
constant propagation, and so on. LTO lets them do this across
translation units.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
So in fact, the language allows us to take it for granted that, given
my_memset(array, 0, sizeof(array)); }
at the end of a function, and my_memset is an external definition
provided by another translation unit, the call may not be elided.
No, the C language standards make no such guarantee.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
The one who may be acting recklessly is he who turns on nonconforming
optimizations that are not documented as supported by the code base.
Another example would be something like gcc's -ffast-math.
That is /completely/ different. That option is clearly documented as
potentially violating some of the rules of the ISO C standards. This is
why it is not enabled by default or by any common optimisation levels
(except "-Ofast", which is also documented as potentially violating
Post by Kaz Kylheku
You wouldn't unleash that on numerical code written by experts,
and expect the same correct results.
I would not expect identical results to floating point calculations, no.

Depending on the code in question, I would still expect correct results.
I use "-ffast-math" in all my code in order to get correct results a
good deal faster (for my targets, and my type of code) than I would get
without it.
Anton Shepelev
2024-03-21 18:13:06 UTC
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Stefan Ram
void f( void )
{ char buffer[ MAX ];
/* . . . */
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer )); }
. Can you see what the bug is?
I don't know about "the bug", but conditions can be
identified under which that would have a problem
executing, like MAX being in excess of available automatic
If the /*...*/ comment represents the elision of some
security sensitive code, where the memset is intended to
obliterate secret information, of course, that
obliteration is not required to work.
After the memset, the buffer has no next use, so the all
the assignments performed by memset to the bytes of buffer
are dead assignments that can be elided.
To securely clear memory, you have to use a function for
that purpose that is not susceptible to optimization.
I think this behavior (of a C compiler) rather stupid. In a
low-level imperative language, the compiled program shall
do whatever the programmer commands it to do. If he
commands it to clear the buffer, it shall clear the buffer.
This optimisation is too high-level, too counter-inituitive,
even deceitful. The optimiser is free to perform the task
in the fastest manner possible, but it shall not ignore the
programmer's order to zero-fill the buffer, especially
without emitting a warning about (potentially!) redundant
code, which it is the programmer's reponsibility to confirm
and remove.

Redundant code shall be dealt with in the source, rather than
in the executable.
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Keith Thompson
2024-03-21 19:42:29 UTC
Post by Anton Shepelev
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Stefan Ram
void f( void )
{ char buffer[ MAX ];
/* . . . */
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer )); }
. Can you see what the bug is?
I don't know about "the bug", but conditions can be
identified under which that would have a problem
executing, like MAX being in excess of available automatic
If the /*...*/ comment represents the elision of some
security sensitive code, where the memset is intended to
obliterate secret information, of course, that
obliteration is not required to work.
After the memset, the buffer has no next use, so the all
the assignments performed by memset to the bytes of buffer
are dead assignments that can be elided.
To securely clear memory, you have to use a function for
that purpose that is not susceptible to optimization.
I think this behavior (of a C compiler) rather stupid. In a
low-level imperative language, the compiled program shall
do whatever the programmer commands it to do. If he
commands it to clear the buffer, it shall clear the buffer.
This optimisation is too high-level, too counter-inituitive,
even deceitful. The optimiser is free to perform the task
in the fastest manner possible, but it shall not ignore the
programmer's order to zero-fill the buffer, especially
without emitting a warning about (potentially!) redundant
code, which it is the programmer's reponsibility to confirm
and remove.
Redundant code shall be dealt with in the source, rather than
in the executable.
Then C is not what you call a "low-level imperative language", and none
of your "shall"s apply to the language defined by the ISO C standard.

C programs define behavior, not generated machine code. If an
implementation can implement the behavior of a C program with a memset()
call without invoking memset(), it's free to do so.

The programmer's intent in the code snippet that started this thread was
for the memset call to erase sensitive data in memory that, after the
function returns, is not part of any object. C (prior to C23) doesn't
provide a way to do that. Any program whose observable behavior differs
depending on whether that memory was cleared has undefined behavior.

Judicious use of "volatile" should avoid the problem.

The least requirements on a conforming implementation are:

- Volatile accesses to objects are evaluated strictly according
to the rules of the abstract machine.

- At program termination, all data written into files shall be
identical to the result that execution of the program according
to the abstract semantics would have produced.

- The input and output dynamics of interactive devices shall take
place as specified in 7.23.3. The intent of these requirements
is that unbuffered or line-buffered output appear as soon as
possible, to ensure that prompting messages appear prior to a
program waiting for input.

This is the *observable behavior* of the program.

If you think that's stupid, I won't try to change your mind, but the
meaning is clear.
Keith Thompson (The_Other_Keith) Keith.S.Thompson+***@gmail.com
Working, but not speaking, for Medtronic
void Void(void) { Void(); } /* The recursive call of the void */
Kaz Kylheku
2024-03-21 20:21:14 UTC
Post by Anton Shepelev
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Stefan Ram
void f( void )
{ char buffer[ MAX ];
/* . . . */
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer )); }
. Can you see what the bug is?
I don't know about "the bug", but conditions can be
identified under which that would have a problem
executing, like MAX being in excess of available automatic
If the /*...*/ comment represents the elision of some
security sensitive code, where the memset is intended to
obliterate secret information, of course, that
obliteration is not required to work.
After the memset, the buffer has no next use, so the all
the assignments performed by memset to the bytes of buffer
are dead assignments that can be elided.
To securely clear memory, you have to use a function for
that purpose that is not susceptible to optimization.
I think this behavior (of a C compiler) rather stupid. In a
low-level imperative language, the compiled program shall
do whatever the programmer commands it to do. If he
commands it to clear the buffer, it shall clear the buffer.
This optimisation is too high-level, too counter-inituitive,
even deceitful. The optimiser is free to perform the task
in the fastest manner possible, but it shall not ignore the
programmer's order to zero-fill the buffer, especially
without emitting a warning about (potentially!) redundant
code, which it is the programmer's reponsibility to confirm
and remove.
If C compilers warned about every piece of dead code that is eliminated,
you'd be up to your ears in diagnostics all day.

Then there is the question of how to silence them on a case-by-case
basis: I did want /that/ code to be eliminated, but not that one.

If you do want the code deleted, that doesn't always mean
you can do it yoruself. What gets eliminated can be target

switch (sizeof (long)) {
case 4: ...
case 8: ..

Eliminating dead stores is a very basic dataflow-driven optimization.

Because memset is part of the C language, the compiler knows
exactly what effect it has (that it's equivalent to setting
all the bytes to zero, like a sequence of assignments).

If you don't want a call to be optimized away, call your
own function in another translation unit. (And don't turn
on nonconforming cross-translation-unit optimizations.)
TXR Programming Language: http://nongnu.org/txr
Cygnal: Cygwin Native Application Library: http://kylheku.com/cygnal
Mastodon: @***@mstdn.ca
David Brown
2024-03-22 13:38:17 UTC
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Eliminating dead stores is a very basic dataflow-driven optimization.
Because memset is part of the C language, the compiler knows
exactly what effect it has (that it's equivalent to setting
all the bytes to zero, like a sequence of assignments).
Post by Kaz Kylheku
If you don't want a call to be optimized away, call your
own function in another translation unit.

There are several ways that guarantee your code will carry out the
writes here (though none that guarantee the secret data is not also
stored elsewhere). Using a function in a different TU is not one of
these techniques. You do people a disfavour by recommending it.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
(And don't turn
on nonconforming cross-translation-unit optimizations.)
If I knew of any non-conforming cross-translation-unit optimisations in
a compiler, I would avoid using them until the compiler vendor had fixed
the bug in question.
Kaz Kylheku
2024-03-22 15:33:03 UTC
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Eliminating dead stores is a very basic dataflow-driven optimization.
Because memset is part of the C language, the compiler knows
exactly what effect it has (that it's equivalent to setting
all the bytes to zero, like a sequence of assignments).
Post by Kaz Kylheku
If you don't want a call to be optimized away, call your
own function in another translation unit.
There are several ways that guarantee your code will carry out the
writes here (though none that guarantee the secret data is not also
stored elsewhere). Using a function in a different TU is not one of
these techniques. You do people a disfavour by recommending it.
It demonstrably is.
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
(And don't turn
on nonconforming cross-translation-unit optimizations.)
If I knew of any non-conforming cross-translation-unit optimisations in
a compiler, I would avoid using them until the compiler vendor had fixed
the bug in question.
They are not fixable. Translation units are separate, subject
to separate semantic analysis, which is settled prior to linkage.

The semantic analysis of one translation unit must be carried out in the
absence of any information about what is in another translation unit.
TXR Programming Language: http://nongnu.org/txr
Cygnal: Cygwin Native Application Library: http://kylheku.com/cygnal
Mastodon: @***@mstdn.ca
James Kuyper
2024-03-22 17:15:15 UTC
On 3/22/24 11:33, Kaz Kylheku wrote:
Post by Kaz Kylheku
They are not fixable. Translation units are separate, subject
to separate semantic analysis, which is settled prior to linkage.>
The semantic analysis of one translation unit must be carried out in the
absence of any information about what is in another translation unit.
The standard imposes no such requirement. It permits separate
compilation. It does not mandate it.
David Brown
2024-03-22 17:50:26 UTC
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Eliminating dead stores is a very basic dataflow-driven optimization.
Because memset is part of the C language, the compiler knows
exactly what effect it has (that it's equivalent to setting
all the bytes to zero, like a sequence of assignments).
Post by Kaz Kylheku
If you don't want a call to be optimized away, call your
own function in another translation unit.
There are several ways that guarantee your code will carry out the
writes here (though none that guarantee the secret data is not also
stored elsewhere). Using a function in a different TU is not one of
these techniques. You do people a disfavour by recommending it.
It demonstrably is.
It depends on your compiler and the options you use. That is not a good
choice - especially when better ones are available.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by David Brown
Post by Kaz Kylheku
(And don't turn
on nonconforming cross-translation-unit optimizations.)
If I knew of any non-conforming cross-translation-unit optimisations in
a compiler, I would avoid using them until the compiler vendor had fixed
the bug in question.
They are not fixable. Translation units are separate, subject
to separate semantic analysis, which is settled prior to linkage.
The semantic analysis of one translation unit must be carried out in the
absence of any information about what is in another translation unit.
"Proof by repeated assertion" does not hold.

I have tried to explain the reality of what the C standards say in a
couple of posts (including one that I had not posted before you wrote
this one). I have tried to make things as clear as possible, and
hopefully you will see the point.

If not, then you must accept that you interpret the C standards in a
different manner from the main compile vendors, as well as some "big
names" in this group. That is, of course, not proof in itself - but you
must realise that for practical purposes you need to be aware of how
others interpret the standard, both for your own coding and for the
advice or recommendations you give to others.
Richard Kettlewell
2024-03-23 09:20:43 UTC
Post by David Brown
I have tried to explain the reality of what the C standards say in a
this one). I have tried to make things as clear as possible, and
hopefully you will see the point.
If not, then you must accept that you interpret the C standards in a
different manner from the main compile vendors, as well as some "big
names" in this group. That is, of course, not proof in itself - but
you must realise that for practical purposes you need to be aware of
how others interpret the standard, both for your own coding and for
the advice or recommendations you give to others.
Agreed that the ship has sailed on whether LTO is a valid optimization.
But it’s understandable why someone might reach a different conclusion.

- Phase 7 says the tokens are “semantically analyzed and translated as a
translation unit”.

- Phase 8 does not use either verb, “analyzed” or “translated”.

- At least two steps (in the abstract, as-if model) are explicitly
happening in the “as a translation unit” level but not in any wider

- The result of those two steps (“translator output”) is than

- Unless you somehow understand that “collected” implicitly includes
further analysis and translation, it’s does not seem unnatural to
conclude that many of the whole-program optimizations done by LTO
implementations would be outside the spec.

This would be very easy to address, by replacing “collected” with a word
or phrase that makes clear that further analysis and translation can
happen outside the “as a translation unit” context.

Obviously this would violate the principle from the rationale that
existing code (that uses TU boundaries to get memset to “work”) is
important and existing implementations (LTO) are not, but C
standardization has never actually behaved as if that is true anyway.
Kaz Kylheku
2024-03-23 16:06:34 UTC
Post by Richard Kettlewell
Post by David Brown
I have tried to explain the reality of what the C standards say in a
this one). I have tried to make things as clear as possible, and
hopefully you will see the point.
If not, then you must accept that you interpret the C standards in a
different manner from the main compile vendors, as well as some "big
names" in this group. That is, of course, not proof in itself - but
you must realise that for practical purposes you need to be aware of
how others interpret the standard, both for your own coding and for
the advice or recommendations you give to others.
Agreed that the ship has sailed on whether LTO is a valid optimization.
There is no question that LTO is a "valid" optimization for reasonable
definitions of valid.
Post by Richard Kettlewell
But it’s understandable why someone might reach a different conclusion.
That alone is a problem.
Post by Richard Kettlewell
- Phase 7 says the tokens are “semantically analyzed and translated as a
translation unit”.
- Phase 8 does not use either verb, “analyzed” or “translated”.
That adds up to requirements that are /obviously/ violated by LTO.

Someone might reach a different conclusion simply by reading the
black-and-white text, which obviously spells out what is required.

When reading the standard, you can't just ignore bits you think
are wrong.

It may be the case that a strictly conforming program cannot tell
whether these requirements are violated.

Strictly conforming programs are not the be all and end all of what is

In the academic paradigm of a strictly conforming program, a security
problem of bytes not being nulled out (or any other such thing) does not
Post by Richard Kettlewell
This would be very easy to address, by replacing “collected” with a word
or phrase that makes clear that further analysis and translation can
happen outside the “as a translation unit” context.
No, it's not that easy to address. The standard should make explicit
provisions for LTO. There should be an optional translation phase
between the current 7 and 8 in which translation units may be
partitioned into subsets, an then subject to semantic analysis
and further translation within the subsets, prior to linking.

The standard wouldn't describe how the partitioning is requested from
the implementation, since it is part of the manner in which a program is
presented to it. All implementations should support a translation mode
in which no partitioning into subsets takes place.
TXR Programming Language: http://nongnu.org/txr
Cygnal: Cygwin Native Application Library: http://kylheku.com/cygnal
Mastodon: @***@mstdn.ca
David Brown
2024-03-23 16:08:48 UTC
Post by Richard Kettlewell
Post by David Brown
I have tried to explain the reality of what the C standards say in a
this one). I have tried to make things as clear as possible, and
hopefully you will see the point.
If not, then you must accept that you interpret the C standards in a
different manner from the main compile vendors, as well as some "big
names" in this group. That is, of course, not proof in itself - but
you must realise that for practical purposes you need to be aware of
how others interpret the standard, both for your own coding and for
the advice or recommendations you give to others.
Agreed that the ship has sailed on whether LTO is a valid optimization.
But it’s understandable why someone might reach a different conclusion.
I /do/ understand why Kaz thinks the way he does. I am just trying to
show that his interpretation is wrong, so that he can better understand
what is going on, and how to get the behaviour he wants.
Post by Richard Kettlewell
- Phase 7 says the tokens are “semantically analyzed and translated as a
translation unit”.
- Phase 8 does not use either verb, “analyzed” or “translated”.
- At least two steps (in the abstract, as-if model) are explicitly
happening in the “as a translation unit” level but not in any wider
- The result of those two steps (“translator output”) is than
- Unless you somehow understand that “collected” implicitly includes
further analysis and translation, it’s does not seem unnatural to
conclude that many of the whole-program optimizations done by LTO
implementations would be outside the spec.
This would be very easy to address, by replacing “collected” with a word
or phrase that makes clear that further analysis and translation can
happen outside the “as a translation unit” context.
I would be entirely happy to see clearer wording in the standards here,
or at least some footnotes saying what is allowed or not allowed.
Post by Richard Kettlewell
Obviously this would violate the principle from the rationale that
existing code (that uses TU boundaries to get memset to “work”) is
important and existing implementations (LTO) are not, but C
standardization has never actually behaved as if that is true anyway.
Oh, I think the C standards committee have done quite well at that. But
doing it /completely/ would clearly be impossible, as different people
have different ideas about how they think C is defined, and how they
think C compilers have to behave. In my line of work, I see plenty of
old code that makes assumptions that are not remotely justified by the C
standards, but which happened to work on the old or limited toolchain
used by the person who wrote the code. If the C standards tried to
codify such practices, or if C compilers tried to make sure that /all/
code that worked with other compilers or older versions works on newer
tools, progress on compilers would be completely stalled and we'd have
no optimisations that weren't already in common use in the 1970's.

What the standards committee try to say is that if code follows C
standard N correctly, then when it is compiled under C standard N+1 it
should have the same semantics and the same behaviour. And they do that
reasonably, but not perfectly.

It would be unreasonable to expect them to guarantee the behaviour of
code under new standards when the code did not have guaranteed behaviour
under the old standards. Using TU boundaries to "get memset to work"
has never been guaranteed.
Kaz Kylheku
2024-03-23 16:56:09 UTC
Post by David Brown
Post by Richard Kettlewell
Post by David Brown
I have tried to explain the reality of what the C standards say in a
this one). I have tried to make things as clear as possible, and
hopefully you will see the point.
If not, then you must accept that you interpret the C standards in a
different manner from the main compile vendors, as well as some "big
names" in this group. That is, of course, not proof in itself - but
you must realise that for practical purposes you need to be aware of
how others interpret the standard, both for your own coding and for
the advice or recommendations you give to others.
Agreed that the ship has sailed on whether LTO is a valid optimization.
But it’s understandable why someone might reach a different conclusion.
I /do/ understand why Kaz thinks the way he does. I am just trying to
show that his interpretation is wrong, so that he can better understand
what is going on, and how to get the behaviour he wants.
I'm just looking at what very plain, simple sentences are saying and
taking it as-is.
Post by David Brown
I would be entirely happy to see clearer wording in the standards here,
or at least some footnotes saying what is allowed or not allowed.
The wording isn't unclear in any way, though.

What is needed is equally clear new wording which acknowledges the LTO
model of program construction that is currently not described.

That could be done without changing any of the existing wording.
A new translation phase could be wedged between 7 and 8 stating
that translation units may be optionally partitioned into subsets,
and those subsets subject to further semantic analysis and translation,
resulting in merged translation units.

The standard currently presents a reference model that is squarely based
on traditional technology.

If you read the Rationale for C89, mostly they were concerned with how
different models of linkage treat multiply defined identifers, and
worked out a common specification that allows programs to be portable
among those different linkage models.

Ideas like LTO were not on the radar.
Post by David Brown
It would be unreasonable to expect them to guarantee the behaviour of
code under new standards when the code did not have guaranteed behaviour
under the old standards. Using TU boundaries to "get memset to work"
has never been guaranteed.
memset is part of the language. It doesn't have to be a function
in another translation unit that is reached via external linkage.
The inclusion of <string.h> can bring in an inline or at least static
definition. Compilers have treated memset as if it were a built-in
primitive. That is justified. It is not part of my topic about LTO.
TXR Programming Language: http://nongnu.org/txr
Cygnal: Cygwin Native Application Library: http://kylheku.com/cygnal
Mastodon: @***@mstdn.ca
Tim Rentsch
2024-03-24 16:45:48 UTC
Post by Richard Kettlewell
Post by David Brown
I have tried to explain the reality of what the C standards say in a
this one). I have tried to make things as clear as possible, and
hopefully you will see the point.
If not, then you must accept that you interpret the C standards in a
different manner from the main compile vendors, as well as some "big
names" in this group. That is, of course, not proof in itself - but
you must realise that for practical purposes you need to be aware of
how others interpret the standard, both for your own coding and for
the advice or recommendations you give to others.
Agreed that the ship has sailed on whether LTO is a valid optimization.
But it's understandable why someone might reach a different conclusion.
Granted that someone might follow reasoning like the comments you
gave. Even so, some further reflection should be enough for them to
reconsider their original assessment. In particular, the following:

"A C program need not all be translated at the same time." This
excerpt from the Standard implies that C programs may be translated
in their entirety all at the same time.

Notice the lead in to section p1, describing translation
phases, says "The precedence among the syntax rules of translation
is specified by the following phases." All of phases 1 through 8
involve translation, but they are about when various forms of
source recognition take place, not about when code is generated.

The "semantically analyzed" in translation phase 7 is nothing more
than type determination and verifying constraints are not violated.
Nothing about these analyses changes if optimizations are carried
out in translation phase 8.

Notice that translation phase 8 says translator output is collected
into a program image "which contains information needed for
execution in its execution environment." A reasonable inference
is that all code generation could occur at the end of translation
phase 8, as part of producing that information.

The first two points of paragraph 2 in section 1:
This International Standard does not specify
* the mechanism by which C programs are transformed for use
by a data-processing system;
* the mechanism by which C programs are invoked for use by a
data-processing system;

The key phrase in section "The /least requirements/ on a
conforming implementation are: [...]" [emphasis added].

Nothing in the C standard requires an implementation to generate
executable code. The output of translation phase 7 could be a
machine-independent intermediate form. The output of translation
phase 8 could be the same machine-independent intermediate form.
Executing the program could be running an interpreter on the program
"executable" holding only the machine-independent intermediate
parts, and the interpreter might carry out optimizations at run
time. All of these possibilities are allowed in a conforming
implementation as long as the "least requirements" of are

It's a mistake to draw any firm conclusions based on reading parts
of the standard in isolation. The C standard has been written as a
cohesive whole, and it's important to understand it in the same way.

Related to that, although the C standard gives explicit definitions
for many words and phrases, it also uses words that it does not
define (and presumably are not defined in any of the normative
references, though that may be difficult to verify). When
confronted with one of these non-defined terms, often arguments are
made that a word means X or Y or Z, because of ... (fill in the
blank). It's important to remember that, whatever the case is for X
or Y or Z, what /we/ think doesn't matter; all that does matter is
what the standard's authors (and members of the ISO C committee)
think. The C standard means what the ISO C group thinks it means.
They are the ultimate and sole authority. Any discussion about what
the C standard requires that ignores that or pretends otherwise is
a meaningless exercise.
Malcolm McLean
2024-03-24 17:53:24 UTC
Post by Tim Rentsch
The C standard means what the ISO C group thinks it means.
They are the ultimate and sole authority. Any discussion about what
the C standard requires that ignores that or pretends otherwise is
a meaningless exercise.
An intentionalist.
But when a text has come about by a process of argument, negotation and
compromise and votes, is that postion so easy to defend as it might
appear to be for a simpler text?
Check out Basic Algorithms and my other books:
Tim Rentsch
2024-03-22 14:50:09 UTC
Post by Anton Shepelev
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Stefan Ram
void f( void )
{ char buffer[ MAX ];
/* . . . */
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer )); }
. Can you see what the bug is?
I don't know about "the bug", but conditions can be
identified under which that would have a problem
executing, like MAX being in excess of available automatic
If the /*...*/ comment represents the elision of some
security sensitive code, where the memset is intended to
obliterate secret information, of course, that
obliteration is not required to work.
After the memset, the buffer has no next use, so the all
the assignments performed by memset to the bytes of buffer
are dead assignments that can be elided.
To securely clear memory, you have to use a function for
that purpose that is not susceptible to optimization.
I think this behavior (of a C compiler) rather stupid. In a
low-level imperative language, the compiled program shall
do whatever the programmer commands it to do. If he
commands it to clear the buffer, it shall clear the buffer.
This optimisation is too high-level, too counter-inituitive,
even deceitful. The optimiser is free to perform the task
in the fastest manner possible, but it shall not ignore the
programmer's order to zero-fill the buffer, especially
without emitting a warning about (potentially!) redundant
code, which it is the programmer's reponsibility to confirm
and remove.
Redundant code shall be dealt with in the source, rather than
in the executable.
I have a couple of reactions.

One is that the ship has sailed. Somewhere between 35 and 40
years ago the people who wrote the C standard decided on a
semantic model that allows optimizations like this, and that is
not going to change. Certainly there are people who would prefer
to think of C as being a "low-level imperative language" like
what you describe, but the C community as a whole has accepted
the view taken by the authors of the C standard.

The second reaction is that, to be somewhat blunt, what is being
suggested is naive. I expect you do not yet appreciate the
ramifications of what you are suggesting. It is hard, indeed I
would say very hard, to define a semantic model that faithfully
represents the behaviors you would like to impose. You might
want to look into that, and what has been tried previously along
these lines, before pursuing this advocacy any further.
James Kuyper
2024-03-22 17:14:49 UTC
On 3/21/24 14:13, Anton Shepelev wrote:
Post by Anton Shepelev
I think this behavior (of a C compiler) rather stupid. In a
low-level imperative language, the compiled program shall
do whatever the programmer commands it to do.
C is NOT that low a level of language. The standard explicitly allows
implementations to use any method they find convenient to produce
observable behavior which is consistent with the requirements of the
standard. Despite describing how that behavior might be produced by the
abstract machine, it explicitly allows an implementation to achieve that
behavior by other means.

If you want to tell a system not only what a program must do, but also
how it must do it, you need to use a lower-level language than C. That's
not what C is for.
2024-03-22 21:41:43 UTC
Post by James Kuyper
Post by Anton Shepelev
I think this behavior (of a C compiler) rather stupid. In a
low-level imperative language, the compiled program shall
do whatever the programmer commands it to do.
C is NOT that low a level of language. The standard explicitly allows
implementations to use any method they find convenient to produce
observable behavior which is consistent with the requirements of the
standard. Despite describing how that behavior might be produced by the
abstract machine, it explicitly allows an implementation to achieve that
behavior by other means.
If you want to tell a system not only what a program must do, but also
how it must do it, you need to use a lower-level language than C.
Which one?

I don't think anyone seriously wants to switch to assembly for the sort
of tasks they want to use C for.

I agree with AS that a program should do what it's told by the
programmer and the compiler should not get too smart.

When /I/ implement such a language, then that's pretty much what happens.

However, people also expect a reasonable amount of optimisation, which
can involve take some short-cuts or not doing precisely what the
programmer wrote, in the detail.

So the line isn't clearly defined as to what is or isn't acceptable.

But in this example where somebody has clearly requested an object to be
zeroed, ignoring that instruction has crossed the line to unacceptable IMO.
Keith Thompson
2024-03-22 23:30:32 UTC
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
If you want to tell a system not only what a program must do, but
also how it must do it, you need to use a lower-level language than
Which one?
Good question.
Post by bart
I don't think anyone seriously wants to switch to assembly for the
sort of tasks they want to use C for.
Agreed. What some people seem to be looking for is a language that's
about as portable as C, but where every language construct is required
to result in generated code that performs the specified operation.
There's a lot of handwaving in that description. "C without
optimization", maybe?

I'm not aware that any such language exists, at least in the mainstream
(and I've looked at a *lot* of programming languages). I conclude that
there just isn't enough demand for that kind of thing.

Keith Thompson (The_Other_Keith) Keith.S.Thompson+***@gmail.com
Working, but not speaking, for Medtronic
void Void(void) { Void(); } /* The recursive call of the void */
Kaz Kylheku
2024-03-23 00:09:46 UTC
Post by Keith Thompson
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
If you want to tell a system not only what a program must do, but
also how it must do it, you need to use a lower-level language than
Which one?
Good question.
Post by bart
I don't think anyone seriously wants to switch to assembly for the
sort of tasks they want to use C for.
Agreed. What some people seem to be looking for is a language that's
about as portable as C, but where every language construct is required
to result in generated code that performs the specified operation.
There's a lot of handwaving in that description. "C without
optimization", maybe?
I'm not aware that any such language exists, at least in the mainstream
(and I've looked at a *lot* of programming languages). I conclude that
there just isn't enough demand for that kind of thing.
I think you can more or less get something like that with the following

- all memory accesses through pointers are performed as written.
- local variables are aggressively optimized into registers.
- basic optimizations:
- constant folding, dead code elimination.
- basic control flow ones: jump threading and the like.
- basic data flow optimizations.
- peephole, good instruction selection.

In that environment, the way the programmer writes the code is the rest
of the optimization. Want loop unrolling? Write it yourself.
TXR Programming Language: http://nongnu.org/txr
Cygnal: Cygwin Native Application Library: http://kylheku.com/cygnal
Mastodon: @***@mstdn.ca
David Brown
2024-03-23 16:25:40 UTC
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
If you want to tell a system not only what a program must do, but
also how it must do it, you need to use a lower-level language than
Which one?
Good question.
I have no answer here either.
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
Post by bart
I don't think anyone seriously wants to switch to assembly for the
sort of tasks they want to use C for.
One of the stated motivations for creating C was to save people from
writing code in assembly!
Post by Kaz Kylheku
Post by Keith Thompson
Agreed. What some people seem to be looking for is a language that's
about as portable as C, but where every language construct is required
to result in generated code that performs the specified operation.
There's a lot of handwaving in that description. "C without
optimization", maybe?
I'm not aware that any such language exists, at least in the mainstream
(and I've looked at a *lot* of programming languages). I conclude that
there just isn't enough demand for that kind of thing.
I think lack of demand combines with it actually being an extremely
difficult task.

Consider something as simple as "x++;" in C. How could that be
implemented? Perhaps the cpu has an "increment" instruction. Perhaps
it has an "add immediate" instruction. Perhaps it needs to load 1 into
a register, then use an "add" instruction. Perhaps "x" is in memory.
Some cpus can execute an increment directly on the memory address as an
atomic instruction. Some can do so, but only using specific (and more
expensive) instructions. Some can't do it at all without locking
mechanisms and synchronisation loops.

So what does this user of this mythical LLL expect when he/she writes
"x++;" ? If the language had been created in the days of 8086 on DOS,
perhaps it would have been defined as an atomic operation - and now
doing this atomically on an AArch64 device would be extremely inefficient.

The big trouble with saying that the compiler should "do what I say" is
that people have very different ideas about what they mean when they
write things. You either have to have quite high-level and abstract
definitions about meanings and give compilers a fair amount of freedom
when implementing them (thus you get high-level languages defined by
behaviours on abstract machines - like C and just about every other
programming language), or you have to tie it tightly to the target
processor (and you get assembly), or the language designer, the compiler
implementers and the programmers all have to think exactly the same way
(which really means one-person languages, like Bart's).
Post by Kaz Kylheku
I think you can more or less get something like that with the following
- all memory accesses through pointers are performed as written.
- local variables are aggressively optimized into registers.
- constant folding, dead code elimination.
- basic control flow ones: jump threading and the like.
- basic data flow optimizations.
- peephole, good instruction selection.
In that environment, the way the programmer writes the code is the rest
of the optimization. Want loop unrolling? Write it yourself.
You might like to try to formalise this. You won't be the first to
attempt it. But you might be the first to succeed, because no one
(AFAIK) has managed it so far.
Scott Lurndal
2024-03-23 16:51:19 UTC
Post by David Brown
Consider something as simple as "x++;" in C. How could that be
implemented? Perhaps the cpu has an "increment" instruction. Perhaps
it has an "add immediate" instruction. Perhaps it needs to load 1 into
a register, then use an "add" instruction. Perhaps "x" is in memory.
Some cpus can execute an increment directly on the memory address as an
atomic instruction. Some can do so, but only using specific (and more
expensive) instructions. Some can't do it at all without locking
mechanisms and synchronisation loops.
And some can do it as a side effect of an indirect load, for
example autoindexing on the PDP-8.
2024-03-23 19:58:56 UTC
Post by David Brown
Post by Keith Thompson
I'm not aware that any such language exists, at least in the mainstream
(and I've looked at a *lot* of programming languages).  I conclude that
there just isn't enough demand for that kind of thing.
I think lack of demand combines with it actually being an extremely
difficult task.
Consider something as simple as "x++;" in C.  How could that be
implemented?  Perhaps the cpu has an "increment" instruction.  Perhaps
it has an "add immediate" instruction.  Perhaps it needs to load 1 into
a register, then use an "add" instruction.  Perhaps "x" is in memory.
Some cpus can execute an increment directly on the memory address as an
atomic instruction.  Some can do so, but only using specific (and more
expensive) instructions.  Some can't do it at all without locking
mechanisms and synchronisation loops.
So what does this user of this mythical LLL expect when he/she writes
"x++;" ?
This is not the issue the comes up in the OP (or the issue that was
assumed as I don't think the OP has clarified).

There it is not about micro-managing the implementation of x++, but the
compiler deciding it isn't needed at all.
David Brown
2024-03-24 13:42:00 UTC
Post by bart
Post by David Brown
Post by Keith Thompson
I'm not aware that any such language exists, at least in the mainstream
(and I've looked at a *lot* of programming languages).  I conclude that
there just isn't enough demand for that kind of thing.
I think lack of demand combines with it actually being an extremely
difficult task.
Consider something as simple as "x++;" in C.  How could that be
implemented?  Perhaps the cpu has an "increment" instruction.  Perhaps
it has an "add immediate" instruction.  Perhaps it needs to load 1
into a register, then use an "add" instruction.  Perhaps "x" is in
memory. Some cpus can execute an increment directly on the memory
address as an atomic instruction.  Some can do so, but only using
specific (and more expensive) instructions.  Some can't do it at all
without locking mechanisms and synchronisation loops.
So what does this user of this mythical LLL expect when he/she writes
"x++;" ?
This is not the issue the comes up in the OP (or the issue that was
assumed as I don't think the OP has clarified).
That is trivially true. I was picking a simple example and showing how
difficult it is to try to define a language where "the compiler does
exactly what I tell it to do". If it is that difficult to define the
programmer's precise expectation of the behaviour of "x++;" at the
lowest level, how could we hope to do it with anything like the OP's case?

It sounds easy to make lists of expected behaviour, like Kaz did and
like you no doubt have (at least in your head, if not written down) for
your own low-level language. Such lists are totally subjective, and
thus inappropriate for general languages usable by a range of people for
a range of tasks.
Post by bart
There it is not about micro-managing the implementation of x++, but the
compiler deciding it isn't needed at all.
First you have to decide /exactly/ what you mean by "x++;", before you
can decide if it is valid to remove it or not.
James Kuyper
2024-03-23 07:26:11 UTC
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
If you want to tell a system not only what a program must do, but
also how it must do it, you need to use a lower-level language than
Which one?
That's up to you. The point is, C is NOT that language.
Post by bart
I don't think anyone seriously wants to switch to assembly for the
sort of tasks they want to use C for.
Why not? Assembly provides the kind of control you're looking for; C
does not. If that kind of control is important to you, you have to find
a language which provides it. If not assembler or C, what would you use?
2024-03-23 11:26:03 UTC
Post by James Kuyper
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
If you want to tell a system not only what a program must do, but
also how it must do it, you need to use a lower-level language than
Which one?
That's up to you. The point is, C is NOT that language.
I'm asking which /mainstream/ HLL is lower level than C. So specifically
ruling out assembly.

If there is no such choice, then this is the problem: it has to be C or
Post by James Kuyper
Post by bart
I don't think anyone seriously wants to switch to assembly for the
sort of tasks they want to use C for.
Why not? Assembly provides the kind of control you're looking for; C
does not. If that kind of control is important to you, you have to find
a language which provides it. If not assembler or C, what would you use?
Among non-mainstream ones, my own would fit the bill. Since I write the
implementations, I can ensure the compiler doesn't have a mind of its own.

However if somebody else tried to implement it, then I can't guarantee
the same behaviour. This would need to somehow be enforced with a
precise language spec, or mine would need to be a reference
implementation with a lot of test cases.


Take this program:

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
goto L;
printf("Hello, World!\n");

If I use my compiler, then that 12345678 pattern gets compiled into the
binary (because it is loaded into a register then discarded). That means
I can use that value as a marker or sentinel which can be searched for.

However no other compiler I tried will do that. If I instead change that
line to:

int a = 0x12345678;

then a tcc-compiled binary will contain that value. So will
lccwin32-compiled (with a warning). But not DMC or gcc.

If I get rid of the 'goto' , then gcc-O0 will work, but still not DMC or

Here I can use `volatile` to ensure that value stays in, but not if I
put the 'goto' back in!

It's all too unpredictable.
David Brown
2024-03-23 16:51:12 UTC
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
If you want to tell a system not only what a program must do, but
also how it must do it, you need to use a lower-level language than
Which one?
That's up to you. The point is, C is NOT that language.
I'm asking which /mainstream/ HLL is lower level than C. So specifically
ruling out assembly.
If there is no such choice, then this is the problem: it has to be C or
How much of a problem is it, really?

My field is probably the place where low level programming is most
ubiquitous. There are plenty of people who use assembly - for good
reasons or for bad (or for reasons that some people think are good,
other people think are bad). C is the most common choice.

Other languages used for small systems embedded programming include C++,
Ada, Forth, BASIC, Pascal, Lua, and Micropython. Forth is the only one
that could be argued as lower-level or more "directly translated" than C.

The trick to writing low-level code in C (or C++) is not to pretend that
C is a "directly translated" language, or to fight with your compiler.
It is to learn how to work /with/ your compiler and its optimisations to
get what you need. Complaining that "LTO broke my code" does not make
your product work. Arbitrarily disabling optimisations that you feel
are "bad" or imagine to be non-conforming is just kicking the can down
the road. You learn what /actually/ works - as guaranteed by the C
standards, or by your compiler.

Sometimes that means using compiler-specific or target-specific
extensions. That's okay. No one ever suggested that pure C-standard C
code was sufficient for all tasks. C was designed to allow some coding
to be done in a highly portable and re-usable manner, and also to
support non-portable systems programming relying on the implementation,
and this has not changed. When I write code for low-level use on a
specific microcontroller, I am not writing portable code anyway.

So what language is lower level than C? GCC C (or clang C, or IAR C for
the 8051, or any other specific C compiler).

How would /I/ ensure that after "memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));"
that the buffer was really written with zeros? I'd follow it with:

asm ("" : "+m" (buffer));

That's a gcc extension, but it will guarantee that the buffer is cleared
- without any other costs.

(Alternatively, I'd clear the memory using volatile writes, rather than
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
Post by bart
I don't think anyone seriously wants to switch to assembly for the
sort of tasks they want to use C for.
Why not? Assembly provides the kind of control you're looking for; C
does not. If that kind of control is important to you, you have to find
a language which provides it. If not assembler or C, what would you use?
Among non-mainstream ones, my own would fit the bill. Since I write the
implementations, I can ensure the compiler doesn't have a mind of its own.
However if somebody else tried to implement it, then I can't guarantee
the same behaviour. This would need to somehow be enforced with a
precise language spec, or mine would need to be a reference
implementation with a lot of test cases.
  #include <stdio.h>
  int main(void) {
      goto L;
      printf("Hello, World!\n");
If I use my compiler, then that 12345678 pattern gets compiled into the
binary (because it is loaded into a register then discarded). That means
I can use that value as a marker or sentinel which can be searched for.
However no other compiler I tried will do that. If I instead change that
    int a = 0x12345678;
then a tcc-compiled binary will contain that value. So will
lccwin32-compiled (with a warning). But not DMC or gcc.
If I get rid of the 'goto' , then gcc-O0 will work, but still not DMC or
Here I can use `volatile` to ensure that value stays in, but not if I
put the 'goto' back in!
It's all too unpredictable.
The /minimum/ requirements of the compiler are very predictable. The
details beyond that are not - which is completely as expected. You are
trying to achieve an effect that cannot be expressed in C, and thus it
is folly to expect a simple way to achieve it with any C compiler. You
will find that with many C compilers you can get what you want, but you
have to write it in a way that suits the compiler. For gcc, you might
do it by putting a const variable in an explicit linker section using a
gcc-specific __attribute__. Maybe you can get it by using a volatile
and /not/ removing the "goto".

But if you want to do something that has no semantic meaning in the
language you are using, you can't expect compilers to support a
particular way to achieve this!
2024-03-23 21:21:58 UTC
Post by David Brown
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
If you want to tell a system not only what a program must do, but
also how it must do it, you need to use a lower-level language than
Which one?
That's up to you. The point is, C is NOT that language.
I'm asking which /mainstream/ HLL is lower level than C. So
specifically ruling out assembly.
If there is no such choice, then this is the problem: it has to be C
or nothing.
How much of a problem is it, really?
My field is probably the place where low level programming is most
ubiquitous.  There are plenty of people who use assembly - for good
reasons or for bad (or for reasons that some people think are good,
other people think are bad).  C is the most common choice.
Other languages used for small systems embedded programming include C++,
Ada, Forth, BASIC, Pascal, Lua, and Micropython.  Forth is the only one
that could be argued as lower-level or more "directly translated" than C.
Well, Forth is certainly cruder than C (it's barely a language IMO). But
I don't remember seeing anything in it resembling a type system that
corresponds to the 'i8-i64 u8-u64 f32-f64' types typical in current
hardware. (Imagine trying to create a precisely laid out struct.)

It is just too weird. I think I'd rather take my chances with C.
Post by David Brown
BASIC, ..., Lua, and Micropython.
Hmm, I think my own scripting language is better at low level than any
of these. It supports those low-level types for a start. And I can do
stuff like this:

println peek(0x40'0000, u16):"m"

fun peek(addr, t=byte) = makeref(addr, t)^

This displays 'MZ', the signature of the (low-)loaded EXE image on Windows

Possibly it is even better than C; is this little program valid (no UB)
C, even when it is known that the program is low-loaded:

#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned char byte;

int main(void) {
printf("%c%c\n", *(byte*)0x400000, *(byte*)0x400001);

This works on DMC, tcc, mcc, lccwin, but not gcc because that loads
programs at high addresses. The problem being that the address involved,
while belonging to the program, is outside of any C data objects.
David Brown
2024-03-24 14:52:39 UTC
Post by bart
Post by David Brown
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
If you want to tell a system not only what a program must do, but
also how it must do it, you need to use a lower-level language than
Which one?
That's up to you. The point is, C is NOT that language.
I'm asking which /mainstream/ HLL is lower level than C. So
specifically ruling out assembly.
If there is no such choice, then this is the problem: it has to be C
or nothing.
How much of a problem is it, really?
My field is probably the place where low level programming is most
ubiquitous.  There are plenty of people who use assembly - for good
reasons or for bad (or for reasons that some people think are good,
other people think are bad).  C is the most common choice.
Other languages used for small systems embedded programming include
C++, Ada, Forth, BASIC, Pascal, Lua, and Micropython.  Forth is the
only one that could be argued as lower-level or more "directly
translated" than C.
Well, Forth is certainly cruder than C (it's barely a language IMO). But
I don't remember seeing anything in it resembling a type system that
corresponds to the 'i8-i64 u8-u64 f32-f64' types typical in current
hardware. (Imagine trying to create a precisely laid out struct.)
Forth can be considered a typeless language - you deal with cells (or
double cells, etc.), which have contents but not types. And you can
define structs with specific layouts quite easily. (Note that I've
never tried this myself - my Forth experience is /very/ limited, and you
will get much more accurate information in comp.lang.forth or another
place Forth experts hang out.)

A key thing you miss, in comparison to C, is the type checking and the
structured identifier syntax.

In C, if you have :

struct foo {
int32_t x;
int8_t y;
uint16_t z;

struct foo obj;

obj.x = obj.y + obj.z;

then you access the fields as "obj.x", etc. Your struct may or may not
have padding, depending on the target and compiler (or compiler-specific
extensions). If "obj2" is an object of a different type, then "obj2.x"
might be a different field or a compile-time error if that type has no
field "x".

In Forth, you write (again, I could be inaccurate here) :

4 field >x
1 field >y
2 field >z
constant /foo

The names - including the punctuation (punctuation characters can be
freely used in identifiers in Forth) - are arbitrary. This is
equivalent to :

: >x 0 + ;
: >y 4 + ;
: >z 5 + ;
: /foo 7 ;

You make your instance "obj" by :

create obj /foo allot

which makes "obj" the address of a block of 7 bytes - but does not give
it a type in any sense. ("/foo" simply means "7").

The equivalent of "obj.x = obj.y + obj.z" would be :

obj >y c@ obj >z w@ + obj >x l!

That is :

1. Put the address of obj on the stack.
2. Add 4 to it (the definition of >y)
3. Use that as an address and fetch the 8-bit value from that address,
putting it on the stack.
4. Put the address of obj on the stack.
5. Add 5 to it (the definition of >z)
6. Use that as an address and fetch the 16-bit value from that address,
putting it on the stack.
7. Add the top two values from the stack and put the result on the stack.
8. Put the address of obj on the stack.
9. Add 0 to it (the definition of >x)
10. Use that as an address and store the 32-bit value from the top of
the stack to that address.

I'm assuming this Forth uses 32-bit stack cells, and ignoring
signed/unsigned issues for simplicity. There are, after all, better
places to find Forth tutorials for the details.

At no point is the definition of the struct type attached to "obj". In
fact, there is no struct type - there's just some defined words for
adding offsets to an address (or adding those values to anything else).
You can just as well write "10 >y ." to do "printf("%i", 10 + 4);".

There's therefore also no connection between the field accessor words
and the type, or any requirement that they are only used with the right
kind of object. On the other hand, suppose you wanted to dispense with
storing the field "x" and calculate it as "p->y + p->z" every time you
needed it. In C, you'd write:

int32_t calc_x(const struct foo * p) { return p->x + p->y; }

and replace uses of "obj.x" with "calc_x(&obj)".

In Forth, you might have defined :

: >x@ >x l@ ;
: >y@ >y c@ ;
: >z@ >z w@ ;

and used >x@ as your accessor for reading obj.x (as "obj >x@") in the
rest of your code. Now you can remove ">x" from the struct definition
and write:

: >x@ dup >y@ over >z@ + ;

and all your uses of "obj >x@" remain unchanged in the rest of your
code, but now they calculate x on the fly.

This is all /way/ off-topic for comp.lang.c, but it's perhaps
interesting to see a completely different way of doing things in a very
different language.

And note that although Forth is often byte-compiled very directly to
give you exactly the actions you specify in the source code, it is also
sometimes compiled to machine code - using optimisations.
Post by bart
It is just too weird. I think I'd rather take my chances with C.
Forth does take some getting used to!
Post by bart
Post by David Brown
BASIC, ..., Lua, and Micropython.
Hmm, I think my own scripting language is better at low level than any
of these.
These all have one key advantage over your language - they are real
languages, available for use by /other/ programmers for development of
Post by bart
It supports those low-level types for a start. And I can do
   println peek(0x40'0000, u16):"m"
   fun peek(addr, t=byte) = makeref(addr, t)^
This displays 'MZ', the signature of the (low-)loaded EXE image on Windows
Possibly it is even better than C; is this little program valid (no UB)
   #include <stdio.h>
   typedef unsigned char byte;
   int main(void) {
       printf("%c%c\n", *(byte*)0x400000, *(byte*)0x400001);
This works on DMC, tcc, mcc, lccwin, but not gcc because that loads
programs at high addresses. The problem being that the address involved,
while belonging to the program, is outside of any C data objects.
I think you are being quite unreasonable in blaming gcc - or C - for
generating code that cannot access that particular arbitrary address!
The addresses accessible in a program are defined by the OS and the
target environment, not the language or compiler. And C has a perfectly
good way of forcing access to addresses - use "volatile".
2024-03-24 19:56:02 UTC
Post by David Brown
Post by bart
Well, Forth is certainly cruder than C (it's barely a language IMO).
But I don't remember seeing anything in it resembling a type system
that corresponds to the 'i8-i64 u8-u64 f32-f64' types typical in
current hardware. (Imagine trying to create a precisely laid out struct.)
Forth can be considered a typeless language - you deal with cells (or
double cells, etc.), which have contents but not types.  And you can
define structs with specific layouts quite easily.  (Note that I've
never tried this myself - my Forth experience is /very/ limited, and you
will get much more accurate information in comp.lang.forth or another
place Forth experts hang out.)
A key thing you miss, in comparison to C, is the type checking and the
structured identifier syntax.
    struct foo {
        int32_t x;
        int8_t y;
        uint16_t z;
    struct foo obj;
    obj.x = obj.y + obj.z;
then you access the fields as "obj.x", etc.  Your struct may or may not
have padding, depending on the target and compiler (or compiler-specific
extensions).  If "obj2" is an object of a different type, then "obj2.x"
might be a different field or a compile-time error if that type has no
field "x".
    4 field >x
    1 field >y
    2 field >z
    constant /foo

Thanks. You've demonstrated perfectly why I would never use Forth. I'd
rather write in assembly.

But what people want are the conveniences and familiarity of a HLL,
without the bloody-mindedness of an optimising C compiler.
Post by David Brown
And note that although Forth is often byte-compiled very directly to
give you exactly the actions you specify in the source code, it is also
sometimes compiled to machine code - using optimisations.
Post by bart
It is just too weird. I think I'd rather take my chances with C.
Forth does take some getting used to!
Post by bart
 > BASIC, ..., Lua, and Micropython.
Hmm, I think my own scripting language is better at low level than any
of these.
These all have one key advantage over your language - they are real
languages, available for use by /other/ programmers for development of
My language exists. Anyone is welcome to reimplement elements of the
design, since most script languages stink at low-level work or dealing
with FFIs.

It is not necessary for me to provide a concrete implementation for
others to use. But here's one expressed as C code for 64-bit Linux:

Post by David Brown
gcc qu.c -oqu -lm -ldl -fno-builtin
tcc qu.c -o qu -lm -ldl -fdollars-in-identifiers
./qu -nosys hello
'hello.q' should contain something like like 'println "Hello, World"'.

The -nosys needed as it normally uses a WinAPI-based standard library.

It can't run the 'peek/MZ' example since EXE layouts on Linux are
different, and, if using gcc, 0x400000 is an illegal address.

For something else, try creating test.q:

type date = struct
byte d,m
u16 year

d := date(24,3,2024)

println d, date.bytes

Run as './qu -nosys test'. I don't have docs however. BTW here is your
Forth example:

type foo1 = struct
int32 x
int8 y
word16 z

type foo2 = struct $caligned
int32 x
int8 y
word16 z

println foo1.bytes
println foo2.bytes

There are two versions, one has no automatic padding, which is 7 bytes,
and the other is 8 bytes in size.
Post by David Brown
Post by bart
This works on DMC, tcc, mcc, lccwin, but not gcc because that loads
programs at high addresses. The problem being that the address
involved, while belonging to the program, is outside of any C data
I think you are being quite unreasonable in blaming gcc - or C - for
generating code that cannot access that particular arbitrary address!
There were two separate points here. One is that a gcc-compiled version
won't work because exe images are not loaded at 0x40'0000. The other was
me speculating whether the access to 0x40'0000, even when valid memory
for this process, was UB in C.
Keith Thompson
2024-03-24 20:49:43 UTC
bart <***@freeuk.com> writes:
Post by bart
But what people want are the conveniences and familiarity of a HLL,
without the bloody-mindedness of an optimising C compiler.

Exactly which people want that?

The evidence suggests that, while some people undoubtedly want that (and
it's a perfectly legitimate desire), there isn't enough demand to induce
anyone to actually produce such a thing and for it to catch on.
Developers have had decades to define and implement the kind of language
you're talking about. Why haven't they?
Keith Thompson (The_Other_Keith) Keith.S.Thompson+***@gmail.com
Working, but not speaking, for Medtronic
void Void(void) { Void(); } /* The recursive call of the void */
David Brown
2024-03-24 22:38:26 UTC
Post by Keith Thompson
Post by bart
But what people want are the conveniences and familiarity of a HLL,
without the bloody-mindedness of an optimising C compiler.
Exactly which people want that?
The evidence suggests that, while some people undoubtedly want that (and
it's a perfectly legitimate desire), there isn't enough demand to induce
anyone to actually produce such a thing and for it to catch on.
I personally think (or speculate, if you feel the word is more
appropriate given that I have no real evidence) that a major part of
this is a lack of agreement on what optimisations these people want or
don't want. I expect Kaz and Bart would agree that they want C
compilers to be required to generate code that does what they mean it to
do, and be able to optimise within those requirements to do the required
job as efficiently as possible. But I expect they would disagree in
many ways in regard to what they mean by it all - what optimisations are
allowed, and what code /really/ means in their eyes.

The best we can reasonably hope for is for a carefully considered
document that describes minimum requirements, and for compilers to
provide flags to allow fine-tuning so that programmers can get the
results they want.

And that is /exactly/ what we have with C and quality C compilers.
Sure, none of this is perfect or an ideal fit for everyone and every
task - but it is good enough that you'd need to come up with something
quite extraordinary to make it attractive compared to C.
Post by Keith Thompson
Developers have had decades to define and implement the kind of language
you're talking about. Why haven't they?
Michael S
2024-03-24 22:42:03 UTC
On Sun, 24 Mar 2024 13:49:43 -0700
Post by Keith Thompson
Post by bart
But what people want are the conveniences and familiarity of a HLL,
without the bloody-mindedness of an optimising C compiler.
Exactly which people want that?
The evidence suggests that, while some people undoubtedly want that
(and it's a perfectly legitimate desire), there isn't enough demand
to induce anyone to actually produce such a thing and for it to catch
Such things are produced all the time. A yes, they fail to catch on.
The most recent [half-hearted] attempt that didn't realize yet that it
has no chance is called zig.
Post by Keith Thompson
Developers have had decades to define and implement the kind of
language you're talking about. Why haven't they?
Because C is juggernaut?
David Brown
2024-03-25 08:37:40 UTC
Post by Michael S
On Sun, 24 Mar 2024 13:49:43 -0700
Post by Keith Thompson
Post by bart
But what people want are the conveniences and familiarity of a HLL,
without the bloody-mindedness of an optimising C compiler.
Exactly which people want that?
The evidence suggests that, while some people undoubtedly want that
(and it's a perfectly legitimate desire), there isn't enough demand
to induce anyone to actually produce such a thing and for it to catch
Such things are produced all the time. A yes, they fail to catch on.
The most recent [half-hearted] attempt that didn't realize yet that it
has no chance is called zig.
Languages like this are usually better in some ways than C (there's
plenty of scope for that with C - we can do a better job of designing a
language now than 50 years ago, not least because we can expect more
from tools than we could 50 years ago).

But they can never cover everything people want - people want
contradictory things. Thus for everyone (except perhaps the language
designers themselves) such new languages have big disadvantages as well
as big advantages, and they will be missing some key features, seen from
that person's perspective.

And their execution models are invariably either only vaguely defined,
or defined in terms of behaviour with an "as-if" rule to allow
optimisation. Which means they are no better than C for people who
think compilers should be blind translators. (And it also means that
they will be no worse than C for people who understand more about
programming languages and compilers, and for those that either don't
know or don't care.)

Zig is a language I've looked at, and it does have some nice things.
But it will be a /long/ time before it is something I could consider
using for my work, so it would be hobby only. And of course it has made
some design decisions that I think are wrong, and are a big step down
from the current leading alternative to C in many fields - C++.
Post by Michael S
Post by Keith Thompson
Developers have had decades to define and implement the kind of
language you're talking about. Why haven't they?
Because C is juggernaut?
Yes, it has a /huge/ momentum. That means that even if a new language
comes along that is better than C in every way, it has to be /much/
better to make it worth the effort to change. Rust is making a fair
stab at this - it is no easy job.
2024-03-24 23:07:44 UTC
Post by Keith Thompson
Post by bart
But what people want are the conveniences and familiarity of a HLL,
without the bloody-mindedness of an optimising C compiler.
Exactly which people want that?
The evidence suggests that, while some people undoubtedly want that (and
it's a perfectly legitimate desire), there isn't enough demand to induce
anyone to actually produce such a thing and for it to catch on.
Developers have had decades to define and implement the kind of language
you're talking about. Why haven't they?
Perhaps many settle for using C but using a lesser C compiler or one
with optimisation turned off.

The language still has the UBs of C, whereas people want it more
implementation-defined, but a weaker compiler is less likely to leverage
that UB to do unexpected things or to wreck somebody's expections of how
a piece of code will behave.

With the dominance of C it's hard to produce a competing language,
especially it it looks like C. And people still want all the
optimisations that are possible without taking advantage of UB of
needing to delete chunks of the user's code.

This is probably a similar discussion to that of makefiles; why isn't
there a competing build system?

C is often used as an intermediate language by compilers. There is a
source language where a lot of this stuff is well-defined by its spec.
There is a known target, or a small range of targets, on which the
behaviour is also well-defined.

However, in the middle you have C, where much of it isn't well-defined!
People want a language which is like the hypothetical one discussed, one
that doesn't get 'in the way' with its crazy ideas. But now it's either
going to be a lot work to generate C code that behaves as expected, or
they have to settle for a non-optimising compiler and cross their fingers.
Michael S
2024-03-24 23:39:47 UTC
On Sun, 24 Mar 2024 23:07:44 +0000
Post by bart
Post by Keith Thompson
Post by bart
But what people want are the conveniences and familiarity of a HLL,
without the bloody-mindedness of an optimising C compiler.
Exactly which people want that?
The evidence suggests that, while some people undoubtedly want that
(and it's a perfectly legitimate desire), there isn't enough demand
to induce anyone to actually produce such a thing and for it to
catch on. Developers have had decades to define and implement the
kind of language you're talking about. Why haven't they?
Perhaps many settle for using C but using a lesser C compiler or one
with optimisation turned off.
What is "lesser C compiler"?
Something like IAR ? Yes, people use it.
Something like TI? People use it when they have no other choice.
20 years ago there were Diab Data, Kiel and few others. I didn't hear
about them lately.
Microchip, I'd guess, still has its own compilers for many of their
families, but that's because they have to. "Bigger" compilers dont want
to support this chips.
On the opposite edge of scale, IBM has compilers for their mainframes
and for POWER/AIX. The former are used widely. The later are quickly
losing to "bigger' compilers running on the same platform.
As to tcc, mcc, lccwin etc... those only used by hobbyists. Never by
pro. The only "lesser" PC-hosted PC-targeting C compilers that are used
by significant amount of pro developers are Intel and
Borland/Embarcadero, the later strictly for historical reasons.
Embarcadero switched their dev suits to "bigger" compiler quite a few
years ago, but some people like their old stuff. Well, may be, National
Instruments compiler still used? I really don't know.
2024-03-25 02:12:40 UTC
Post by Michael S
On Sun, 24 Mar 2024 23:07:44 +0000
Post by bart
Post by Keith Thompson
Post by bart
But what people want are the conveniences and familiarity of a HLL,
without the bloody-mindedness of an optimising C compiler.
Exactly which people want that?
The evidence suggests that, while some people undoubtedly want that
(and it's a perfectly legitimate desire), there isn't enough demand
to induce anyone to actually produce such a thing and for it to
catch on. Developers have had decades to define and implement the
kind of language you're talking about. Why haven't they?
Perhaps many settle for using C but using a lesser C compiler or one
with optimisation turned off.
What is "lesser C compiler"?
Something like IAR ? Yes, people use it.
Something like TI? People use it when they have no other choice.
20 years ago there were Diab Data, Kiel and few others. I didn't hear
about them lately.
Microchip, I'd guess, still has its own compilers for many of their
families, but that's because they have to. "Bigger" compilers dont want
to support this chips.
On the opposite edge of scale, IBM has compilers for their mainframes
and for POWER/AIX. The former are used widely. The later are quickly
losing to "bigger' compilers running on the same platform.
As to tcc, mcc, lccwin etc... those only used by hobbyists.
AFAIK lccwin can be used commercially.

And I would recommend tcc especially for transpiled code. Because it can
process it very quickly, but also because the code should already be
verified so it doesn't need deep analysis.

Further, it doesn't have warnings about obscure, irrelevant matters and
is unlikely to produce any surprises in the generated code.

While mcc is my private tool which is my first choice for C code that
/I/ write or generate.

The bigger compilers I'm aware of are gcc, clang, and MSVC. Only gcc
works on my Windows machine. For obscure but related reasons (as clang
piggybacks onto MSVC) neither of those two currently work. There is also
ZigCC, based around Clang I think, which at least works.

I've never heard of IAR, TI, Diab Data or Kiel. I've heard of DMC
(that's another I use, but it's 32-bit), Watcom, Borland, TurboC and Intel.
Post by Michael S
Never by
What's a 'pro'? I used to use my in-house languages and compilers for
commercial software; the customer paid for the application, not for the
language or compiler.
Post by Michael S
The only "lesser" PC-hosted PC-targeting C compilers that are used
by significant amount of pro developers are Intel and
Borland/Embarcadero, the later strictly for historical reasons.
Embarcadero switched their dev suits to "bigger" compiler quite a few
years ago, but some people like their old stuff. Well, may be, National
Instruments compiler still used? I really don't know.
I guess you mean companies using big tools and big ecosystems that need
equally big compilers to go with them.

I mainly use, and develop, small, nippy tools and would rate them above
above any of the big, glossy ones.
David Brown
2024-03-25 08:58:37 UTC
Post by bart
Post by Michael S
On Sun, 24 Mar 2024 23:07:44 +0000
Post by bart
Post by Keith Thompson
Post by bart
But what people want are the conveniences and familiarity of a HLL,
without the bloody-mindedness of an optimising C compiler.
Exactly which people want that?
The evidence suggests that, while some people undoubtedly want that
(and it's a perfectly legitimate desire), there isn't enough demand
to induce anyone to actually produce such a thing and for it to
catch on. Developers have had decades to define and implement the
kind of language you're talking about.  Why haven't they?
Perhaps many settle for using C but using a lesser C compiler or one
with optimisation turned off.
What is "lesser C compiler"?
Something like IAR ? Yes, people use it.
Something like TI? People use it when they have no other choice.
20 years ago there were Diab Data, Kiel and few others. I didn't hear
about them lately.
Microchip, I'd guess, still has its own compilers for many of their
families, but that's because they have to. "Bigger" compilers dont want
to support this chips.
On the opposite edge of scale, IBM has compilers for their mainframes
and for POWER/AIX. The former are used widely. The later are quickly
losing to "bigger' compilers running on the same platform.
As to tcc, mcc, lccwin etc... those only used by hobbyists.
AFAIK lccwin can be used commercially.
"/Can/ be used commercially" does not imply "/is/ used professionally".
I'm sure there are some people who use it in their work, but I would
expect that in any statistics about compiler usage, it would be in the
"Others < 0.1%" category.
Post by bart
I guess you mean companies using big tools and big ecosystems that need
equally big compilers to go with them.
I mainly use, and develop, small, nippy tools and would rate them above
above any of the big, glossy ones.
Then you use a different rating system than the vast majority of
professionals. That, of course, is your free choice to make - just
don't be surprised when others disagree with you.
Malcolm McLean
2024-03-25 13:26:32 UTC
Post by David Brown
Post by bart
Post by Michael S
As to tcc, mcc, lccwin etc... those only used by hobbyists.
AFAIK lccwin can be used commercially.
"/Can/ be used commercially" does not imply "/is/ used professionally".
I'm sure there are some people who use it in their work, but I would
expect that in any statistics about compiler usage, it would be in the
"Others < 0.1%" category.
lccwin is used to compile C functions with an interface which maes them
callable from Matlab. Whilst I haven't written Matalb code commercially
and it would be rare to do so, I have written Matlab ocdoe
professionally, and that is quite common. I probably also made rather
heavier use of the C interfaces than was really justified.

My Matlab File Exchange submissions are still going strong. But the gem,
the faded bar chart, hasn't been valued, and hasn't attracted any stars.
Matlab users, download and give some love.
Check out Basic Algorithms and my other books:
Michael S
2024-03-25 13:43:38 UTC
On Mon, 25 Mar 2024 13:26:32 +0000
Post by Malcolm McLean
Post by David Brown
Post by bart
Post by Michael S
As to tcc, mcc, lccwin etc... those only used by hobbyists.
AFAIK lccwin can be used commercially.
"/Can/ be used commercially" does not imply "/is/ used
professionally". I'm sure there are some people who use it in their
work, but I would expect that in any statistics about compiler
usage, it would be in the "Others < 0.1%" category.
lccwin is used to compile C functions with an interface which maes
them callable from Matlab.
On which platform?
By which percentage of people that write C functions callable from
Post by Malcolm McLean
Whilst I haven't written Matalb code
commercially and it would be rare to do so, I have written Matlab
ocdoe professionally, and that is quite common. I probably also made
rather heavier use of the C interfaces than was really justified.
Back in DOS days, I don't remember lccwin among compilers that
Mathworks recognized as allowed to build MEX modules. In fact, I don't
remember existence of lccwin.
On Win64 the point is mute, because there exist an unified platform ABI
that everybody follow. But back in DOS and Win32 days official
Mathworks blessing was important.
Post by Malcolm McLean
My Matlab File Exchange submissions are still going strong. But the
gem, the faded bar chart, hasn't been valued, and hasn't attracted
any stars. Matlab users, download and give some love.
David Brown
2024-03-25 08:53:32 UTC
Post by Michael S
On Sun, 24 Mar 2024 23:07:44 +0000
Post by bart
Post by Keith Thompson
Post by bart
But what people want are the conveniences and familiarity of a HLL,
without the bloody-mindedness of an optimising C compiler.
Exactly which people want that?
The evidence suggests that, while some people undoubtedly want that
(and it's a perfectly legitimate desire), there isn't enough demand
to induce anyone to actually produce such a thing and for it to
catch on. Developers have had decades to define and implement the
kind of language you're talking about. Why haven't they?
Perhaps many settle for using C but using a lesser C compiler or one
with optimisation turned off.
What is "lesser C compiler"?
Something like IAR ? Yes, people use it.
I am not sure how IAR's tools would count as a "lesser C compiler".
They make very solid C tools for specific embedded targets. And they
have lots of the optimisations that some people get worked up about -
including, IIRC, whole-program optimisations.
Post by Michael S
Something like TI? People use it when they have no other choice.
TI's C tools are a bit more varied in quality over their range of
targets. They have a particular bizarre non-conformity that they do not
zero-initialise variables that have no explicit initialisation - a fact
that is documented as a small note in the middle of the manual (for the
two TI compiler manuals I have read).
Post by Michael S
20 years ago there were Diab Data, Kiel and few others. I didn't hear
about them lately.
I tried out Diab Data for the 68k some 25 years ago. It was /way/
better than anything else around, but outside our budget at the time.
People sometimes complain that type-based alias analysis, or
optimisations based on the UB of signed integer overflow are somehow
"new" optimisations by "evil" gcc developers designed to "win
benchmarks" even though they "break" user code. Diab Data was doing
this kind of optimisation long before gcc.

I've never been a fan of Keil. Perhaps it's because their main target
was the 8051, an architecture that was outdated when it was introduced
in 1980 and that survived decades longer than it should have. But their
compiler is only a "lesser C compiler" in the sense that the target is
really bad for efficient C, so they have to have a lot of extra keywords
and extensions to let people get decent results. Thus you program in
"Keil 8051 C", not standard C. But the compiler does a /lot/ of
optimisation, including very advanced whole-program optimisation.
Post by Michael S
Microchip, I'd guess, still has its own compilers for many of their
families, but that's because they have to. "Bigger" compilers dont want
to support this chips.
I think some of Microchip's old tools are the ones that I used that
really could be called "lesser C compilers". One I remember had support
for structs, and support for arrays, but not for arrays of structs or
structs containing arrays.
Post by Michael S
On the opposite edge of scale, IBM has compilers for their mainframes
and for POWER/AIX. The former are used widely. The later are quickly
losing to "bigger' compilers running on the same platform.
As to tcc, mcc, lccwin etc... those only used by hobbyists. Never by
pro. The only "lesser" PC-hosted PC-targeting C compilers that are used
by significant amount of pro developers are Intel and
Borland/Embarcadero, the later strictly for historical reasons.
Embarcadero switched their dev suits to "bigger" compiler quite a few
years ago, but some people like their old stuff. Well, may be, National
Instruments compiler still used? I really don't know.
David Brown
2024-03-24 22:43:32 UTC
Post by bart
Post by David Brown
Post by bart
This works on DMC, tcc, mcc, lccwin, but not gcc because that loads
programs at high addresses. The problem being that the address
involved, while belonging to the program, is outside of any C data
I think you are being quite unreasonable in blaming gcc - or C - for
generating code that cannot access that particular arbitrary address!
There were two separate points here. One is that a gcc-compiled version
won't work because exe images are not loaded at 0x40'0000.
I think that is because your gcc toolchain is creating 64-bit Windows
binaries, while the others are creating 32-bit binaries. I could be
wrong here, of course.
Post by bart
The other was
me speculating whether the access to 0x40'0000, even when valid memory
for this process, was UB in C.
Trying to access non-existent memory is UB, yes. I can't imagine a
language where such a thing would be anything else than undefined
behaviour, or defined as a hard run-time error.

But you can run something with UB if you want - at your own risk,
because C and the compiler give you no guarantees of what will happen.
But if you write "x = *(volatile uint8_t *) 0x400000;", then you can
guarantee that the code will at least /try/ to read that address. What
happens depends on the OS, memory protection systems, etc. But it is
not exactly difficult to do this kind of thing in C - that's why
"volatile" exists.
Michael S
2024-03-25 11:16:28 UTC
On Sun, 24 Mar 2024 23:43:32 +0100
I could be wrong here, of course.
It seems, you are.
David Brown
2024-03-25 12:26:01 UTC
Post by Michael S
On Sun, 24 Mar 2024 23:43:32 +0100
I could be wrong here, of course.
It seems, you are.
It happens - and it was not unexpected here, as I said. I don't have
all these compilers installed to test.

But it would be helpful if you had a /little/ more information. If you
don't know why some compilers generate binaries that have memory mapped
at 0x400000, and others do not, fair enough. I am curious, but it's not
at all important.
Michael S
2024-03-25 13:11:17 UTC
On Mon, 25 Mar 2024 13:26:01 +0100
Post by David Brown
Post by Michael S
On Sun, 24 Mar 2024 23:43:32 +0100
I could be wrong here, of course.
It seems, you are.
It happens - and it was not unexpected here, as I said. I don't have
all these compilers installed to test.
But it would be helpful if you had a /little/ more information. If
you don't know why some compilers generate binaries that have memory
mapped at 0x400000, and others do not, fair enough. I am curious,
but it's not at all important.
I am not an expert, but it does not look like the problem is directly
related to compiler or linker. All 32-bit Windows compilers/linkers,
including gcc, clang and MSVC, by default put symbol ___ImageBase at
address 4 MB. However loader relocates it to wherever it wants,
typically much higher.
I don't know for sure why loader does it to images generated by gcc,
clang and MSVC and does not do it to images generated by lccwin and
others, but I have an educated guess: most likely, these other compilers
link by default with an option similar to Microsoft's /Fixed

The option disables ASLR and thus can shorten app load time and make
performance just a little snappier. Still, I wouldn't make it default.

To get similar behavior with [32-bit] MSVC user can specify '/linker
/fixed' on the command line. I don't know how to do it with gcc variant
supplied with msys2. But, I'd guess, if you google for long enough, you
can find it.
David Brown
2024-03-25 15:30:01 UTC
Post by Michael S
On Mon, 25 Mar 2024 13:26:01 +0100
Post by David Brown
Post by Michael S
On Sun, 24 Mar 2024 23:43:32 +0100
I could be wrong here, of course.
It seems, you are.
It happens - and it was not unexpected here, as I said. I don't have
all these compilers installed to test.
But it would be helpful if you had a /little/ more information. If
you don't know why some compilers generate binaries that have memory
mapped at 0x400000, and others do not, fair enough. I am curious,
but it's not at all important.
I am not an expert, but it does not look like the problem is directly
related to compiler or linker. All 32-bit Windows compilers/linkers,
(I get the impression that at least some of the compilers in question
are 64-bit, but I can't be sure, especially as Bart is using them on
Windows while I mainly use Linux for development.)
Post by Michael S
including gcc, clang and MSVC, by default put symbol ___ImageBase at
address 4 MB. However loader relocates it to wherever it wants,
typically much higher.

Is this a kind of address randomisation thing? That would make sense,
since such randomisation makes various kinds of attacks a good deal
harder, and hardening against attacks is something gcc and binutils (I'm
guessing that's the linker involved here) take seriously.
Post by Michael S
I don't know for sure why loader does it to images generated by gcc,
clang and MSVC and does not do it to images generated by lccwin and
others, but I have an educated guess: most likely, these other compilers
link by default with an option similar to Microsoft's /Fixed
The option disables ASLR and thus can shorten app load time and make
performance just a little snappier. Still, I wouldn't make it default.
Maybe it makes things easier for some kinds of code generation? It
might reduce the need for position-independent code.

Most of my work is in small-systems embedded programming, where you do
not normally have an MMU and addresses tend to be fixed. (There are
occasions when you want to be able to load code at different addresses,
but then you need to make sure it is generated as position-independent.)
So while I know more than most programmers about linking on those
systems, it is in a specific area of programming. It's not something I
have looked at for Windows at all.
Post by Michael S
To get similar behavior with [32-bit] MSVC user can specify '/linker
/fixed' on the command line. I don't know how to do it with gcc variant
supplied with msys2. But, I'd guess, if you google for long enough, you
can find it.
It is presumably a linker flag, rather than a gcc flag. And I don't
know if Bart's gcc setup is using the common binutils linker, or
something else.

Thanks for the information, anyway.

Michael S
2024-03-24 15:53:53 UTC
On Sat, 23 Mar 2024 21:21:58 +0000
Post by bart
Post by David Brown
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
If you want to tell a system not only what a program must do,
but also how it must do it, you need to use a lower-level
language than C.
Which one?
That's up to you. The point is, C is NOT that language.
I'm asking which /mainstream/ HLL is lower level than C. So
specifically ruling out assembly.
If there is no such choice, then this is the problem: it has to be
C or nothing.
How much of a problem is it, really?
My field is probably the place where low level programming is most
ubiquitous.  There are plenty of people who use assembly - for good
reasons or for bad (or for reasons that some people think are good,
other people think are bad).  C is the most common choice.
Other languages used for small systems embedded programming include
C++, Ada, Forth, BASIC, Pascal, Lua, and Micropython.  Forth is the
only one that could be argued as lower-level or more "directly
translated" than C.
Well, Forth is certainly cruder than C (it's barely a language IMO).
But I don't remember seeing anything in it resembling a type system
that corresponds to the 'i8-i64 u8-u64 f32-f64' types typical in
current hardware. (Imagine trying to create a precisely laid out
It is just too weird. I think I'd rather take my chances with C.
Post by David Brown
BASIC, ..., Lua, and Micropython.
Hmm, I think my own scripting language is better at low level than
any of these. It supports those low-level types for a start. And I
println peek(0x40'0000, u16):"m"
fun peek(addr, t=byte) = makeref(addr, t)^
This displays 'MZ', the signature of the (low-)loaded EXE image on Windows
Possibly it is even better than C; is this little program valid (no
#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned char byte;
int main(void) {
printf("%c%c\n", *(byte*)0x400000, *(byte*)0x400001);
This works on DMC, tcc, mcc, lccwin, but not gcc because that loads
programs at high addresses. The problem being that the address
involved, while belonging to the program, is outside of any C data
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>

int main(void)
char* p0 = (char*)((size_t)main & -(size_t)0x10000);
printf("%c%c\n", p0[0], p0[1]);
return 0;

That would work for small programs. Not necessarily for bigger
2024-03-24 18:58:24 UTC
Post by Michael S
On Sat, 23 Mar 2024 21:21:58 +0000
Post by bart
Post by David Brown
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
If you want to tell a system not only what a program must do,
but also how it must do it, you need to use a lower-level
language than C.
Which one?
That's up to you. The point is, C is NOT that language.
I'm asking which /mainstream/ HLL is lower level than C. So
specifically ruling out assembly.
If there is no such choice, then this is the problem: it has to be
C or nothing.
How much of a problem is it, really?
My field is probably the place where low level programming is most
ubiquitous.  There are plenty of people who use assembly - for good
reasons or for bad (or for reasons that some people think are good,
other people think are bad).  C is the most common choice.
Other languages used for small systems embedded programming include
C++, Ada, Forth, BASIC, Pascal, Lua, and Micropython.  Forth is the
only one that could be argued as lower-level or more "directly
translated" than C.
Well, Forth is certainly cruder than C (it's barely a language IMO).
But I don't remember seeing anything in it resembling a type system
that corresponds to the 'i8-i64 u8-u64 f32-f64' types typical in
current hardware. (Imagine trying to create a precisely laid out
It is just too weird. I think I'd rather take my chances with C.
Post by David Brown
BASIC, ..., Lua, and Micropython.
Hmm, I think my own scripting language is better at low level than
any of these. It supports those low-level types for a start. And I
println peek(0x40'0000, u16):"m"
fun peek(addr, t=byte) = makeref(addr, t)^
This displays 'MZ', the signature of the (low-)loaded EXE image on Windows
Possibly it is even better than C; is this little program valid (no
#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned char byte;
int main(void) {
printf("%c%c\n", *(byte*)0x400000, *(byte*)0x400001);
This works on DMC, tcc, mcc, lccwin, but not gcc because that loads
programs at high addresses. The problem being that the address
involved, while belonging to the program, is outside of any C data
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
int main(void)
char* p0 = (char*)((size_t)main & -(size_t)0x10000);
printf("%c%c\n", p0[0], p0[1]);
return 0;
That would work for small programs. Not necessarily for bigger
I'm not sure how that works. Are EXE images always loaded at multiple of
64KB? I suppose on larger programs it could search backwards 64KB at a
time (although it could also hit on a rogue 'MZ' in program data).

My point however was whether C considered that p0[0] access UB because
it doesn't point into any C data object.

If so, it would make access to memory-mapped devices or frame-buffers,
or implementing things like garbage collectors, problematical.
Michael S
2024-03-25 11:04:50 UTC
On Sun, 24 Mar 2024 18:58:24 +0000
Post by bart
Post by Michael S
On Sat, 23 Mar 2024 21:21:58 +0000
Post by bart
Post by David Brown
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
If you want to tell a system not only what a program must do,
but also how it must do it, you need to use a lower-level
language than C.
Which one?
That's up to you. The point is, C is NOT that language.
I'm asking which /mainstream/ HLL is lower level than C. So
specifically ruling out assembly.
If there is no such choice, then this is the problem: it has to
be C or nothing.
How much of a problem is it, really?
My field is probably the place where low level programming is most
ubiquitous.  There are plenty of people who use assembly - for
good reasons or for bad (or for reasons that some people think
are good, other people think are bad).  C is the most common
Other languages used for small systems embedded programming
include C++, Ada, Forth, BASIC, Pascal, Lua, and Micropython.
Forth is the only one that could be argued as lower-level or more
"directly translated" than C.
Well, Forth is certainly cruder than C (it's barely a language
IMO). But I don't remember seeing anything in it resembling a type
system that corresponds to the 'i8-i64 u8-u64 f32-f64' types
typical in current hardware. (Imagine trying to create a precisely
laid out struct.)
It is just too weird. I think I'd rather take my chances with C.
Post by David Brown
BASIC, ..., Lua, and Micropython.
Hmm, I think my own scripting language is better at low level than
any of these. It supports those low-level types for a start. And I
println peek(0x40'0000, u16):"m"
fun peek(addr, t=byte) = makeref(addr, t)^
This displays 'MZ', the signature of the (low-)loaded EXE image on Windows
Possibly it is even better than C; is this little program valid (no
#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned char byte;
int main(void) {
printf("%c%c\n", *(byte*)0x400000, *(byte*)0x400001);
This works on DMC, tcc, mcc, lccwin, but not gcc because that loads
programs at high addresses. The problem being that the address
involved, while belonging to the program, is outside of any C data
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
int main(void)
char* p0 = (char*)((size_t)main & -(size_t)0x10000);
printf("%c%c\n", p0[0], p0[1]);
return 0;
That would work for small programs. Not necessarily for bigger
I'm not sure how that works.
Neither do I.
Post by bart
Are EXE images always loaded at multiple
of 64KB? I suppose on larger programs it could search backwards 64KB
at a time (although it could also hit on a rogue 'MZ' in program
My point however was whether C considered that p0[0] access UB
because it doesn't point into any C data object.
Well, C does not even have to run on von Neumann computers. Harward or
even less obvious targets than Harward are both legal and used in
practice. So, of course, any use of code object as data object is UB.

The code below is not UB. IMHO. But it is not portable outside of
compilers based on gcc infrastructure. Probably, not portable outside of
Windows OS, too. But who needs to look for 'MZ' outside Windows?

#include <stdio.h>
extern char __image_base__[];
int main(void)
printf("%c%c\n", __image_base__[0], __image_base__[1]);
return 0;
Post by bart
If so, it would make access to memory-mapped devices or
frame-buffers, or implementing things like garbage collectors,
Implementation-defined linker tricks like the one above can be used
(or should I say "are used" ?) for implementing dynamic memory. I don't
see why they can't be used to implement GC. They are not portable, but
I don't believe that they are UB. At least not as long as one does not
consider data races.
Michael S
2024-03-25 11:24:24 UTC
On Mon, 25 Mar 2024 13:04:50 +0200
Post by Michael S
extern char __image_base__[];
This symbol is a little more portable. It works both for 32b and
64b, both for gcc link infrastructure and for MSVC link infrastructure.

extern char __ImageBase[];
David Brown
2024-03-25 15:17:15 UTC
Post by bart
Post by bart
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
int main(void)
   char* p0 = (char*)((size_t)main & -(size_t)0x10000);
   printf("%c%c\n", p0[0], p0[1]);
   return 0;
That would work for small programs. Not necessarily for bigger
I'm not sure how that works. Are EXE images always loaded at multiple of
64KB? I suppose on larger programs it could search backwards 64KB at a
time (although it could also hit on a rogue 'MZ' in program data).
My point however was whether C considered that p0[0] access UB because
it doesn't point into any C data object.
As it stands in the code, I believe it is undefined behaviour.
Post by bart
If so, it would make access to memory-mapped devices or frame-buffers,
or implementing things like garbage collectors, problematical.
As I wrote (more than once), the C way to handle this is "volatile".
Volatile accesses are implementation-defined, and are "observable
behaviour" - therefore the compiler generates code that makes exactly
the read and write accesses you ask for when they are done using a
volatile-qualified lvalue.
Tim Rentsch
2024-03-23 18:44:42 UTC
Post by bart
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
If you want to tell a system not only what a program must do, but
also how it must do it, you need to use a lower-level language than
Which one?
That's up to you. The point is, C is NOT that language.
I'm asking which /mainstream/ HLL is lower level than C. So
specifically ruling out assembly.
If there is no such choice, then this is the problem: it has to be C
or nothing.
If it has to be C or nothing, then it's nothing. Some people might
not like that, but that's the way it is.
Michael S
2024-03-24 14:22:25 UTC
On Sat, 23 Mar 2024 11:26:03 +0000
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
If you want to tell a system not only what a program must do, but
also how it must do it, you need to use a lower-level language
than C.
Which one?
That's up to you. The point is, C is NOT that language.
I'm asking which /mainstream/ HLL is lower level than C. So
specifically ruling out assembly.
Do you want mainstream of today or mainstream of the past also count?
For later, I'd think that PL/M and BLISS are lower level than C.
But I know neither so could be wrong.

Ada also allows certain degree of control on how things done, but I
am not sure that control is tighter than in C. I would think that in
majority of situations Ada's 'as if' rules are similar to C.
Michael S
2024-03-24 14:26:41 UTC
On Sat, 23 Mar 2024 11:26:03 +0000
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
If you want to tell a system not only what a program must do, but
also how it must do it, you need to use a lower-level language
than C.
Which one?
That's up to you. The point is, C is NOT that language.
I'm asking which /mainstream/ HLL is lower level than C. So
specifically ruling out assembly.
If there is no such choice, then this is the problem: it has to be C
or nothing.
Post by James Kuyper
Post by bart
I don't think anyone seriously wants to switch to assembly for the
sort of tasks they want to use C for.
Why not? Assembly provides the kind of control you're looking for; C
does not. If that kind of control is important to you, you have to
find a language which provides it. If not assembler or C, what
would you use?
Among non-mainstream ones, my own would fit the bill. Since I write
the implementations, I can ensure the compiler doesn't have a mind of
its own.
However if somebody else tried to implement it, then I can't
guarantee the same behaviour. This would need to somehow be enforced
with a precise language spec, or mine would need to be a reference
implementation with a lot of test cases.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
goto L;
printf("Hello, World!\n");
If I use my compiler, then that 12345678 pattern gets compiled into
the binary (because it is loaded into a register then discarded).
That means I can use that value as a marker or sentinel which can be
searched for.
Does it apply to your aarch64 compiler as well?
2024-03-24 19:12:35 UTC
Post by Michael S
On Sat, 23 Mar 2024 11:26:03 +0000
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
If you want to tell a system not only what a program must do, but
also how it must do it, you need to use a lower-level language
than C.
Which one?
That's up to you. The point is, C is NOT that language.
I'm asking which /mainstream/ HLL is lower level than C. So
specifically ruling out assembly.
If there is no such choice, then this is the problem: it has to be C
or nothing.
Post by James Kuyper
Post by bart
I don't think anyone seriously wants to switch to assembly for the
sort of tasks they want to use C for.
Why not? Assembly provides the kind of control you're looking for; C
does not. If that kind of control is important to you, you have to
find a language which provides it. If not assembler or C, what
would you use?
Among non-mainstream ones, my own would fit the bill. Since I write
the implementations, I can ensure the compiler doesn't have a mind of
its own.
However if somebody else tried to implement it, then I can't
guarantee the same behaviour. This would need to somehow be enforced
with a precise language spec, or mine would need to be a reference
implementation with a lot of test cases.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
goto L;
printf("Hello, World!\n");
If I use my compiler, then that 12345678 pattern gets compiled into
the binary (because it is loaded into a register then discarded).
That means I can use that value as a marker or sentinel which can be
searched for.
Does it apply to your aarch64 compiler as well?
I don't support arm64 as a native C (only via intermediate C). Why, is
there something peculiar about that architecture?

I would expect that 0x12345678 pattern to still be in memory but
probably not in an immediate instruction field. So if wanted to mark a
location in the code, I might need a different approach.

If I ever do directly target that processor, I'll be able to tell you more.
Michael S
2024-03-24 19:33:13 UTC
On Sun, 24 Mar 2024 19:12:35 +0000
Post by bart
Post by Michael S
On Sat, 23 Mar 2024 11:26:03 +0000
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
Post by bart
Post by James Kuyper
If you want to tell a system not only what a program must do,
but also how it must do it, you need to use a lower-level
language than C.
Which one?
That's up to you. The point is, C is NOT that language.
I'm asking which /mainstream/ HLL is lower level than C. So
specifically ruling out assembly.
If there is no such choice, then this is the problem: it has to be
C or nothing.
Post by James Kuyper
Post by bart
I don't think anyone seriously wants to switch to assembly for
the sort of tasks they want to use C for.
Why not? Assembly provides the kind of control you're looking
for; C does not. If that kind of control is important to you, you
have to find a language which provides it. If not assembler or C,
what would you use?
Among non-mainstream ones, my own would fit the bill. Since I write
the implementations, I can ensure the compiler doesn't have a mind
of its own.
However if somebody else tried to implement it, then I can't
guarantee the same behaviour. This would need to somehow be
enforced with a precise language spec, or mine would need to be a
reference implementation with a lot of test cases.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
goto L;
printf("Hello, World!\n");
If I use my compiler, then that 12345678 pattern gets compiled into
the binary (because it is loaded into a register then discarded).
That means I can use that value as a marker or sentinel which can
be searched for.
Does it apply to your aarch64 compiler as well?
I don't support arm64 as a native C (only via intermediate C). Why,
is there something peculiar about that architecture?
Nothing specific to ARM64 in this particular case. The same problem
would apply to any instruction set with maximal instruction width <= 32

For smaller immediates, ARM64 does have encoding rules that can be
Post by bart
I would expect that 0x12345678 pattern to still be in memory but
probably not in an immediate instruction field.
Not necessarily. Compiler can use several strategies.
E.g. https://godbolt.org/z/vMcaxcs7G
Post by bart
So if wanted to mark
a location in the code, I might need a different approach.
Post by bart
If I ever do directly target that processor, I'll be able to tell you more.
Joerg Mertens
2024-03-20 18:59:36 UTC
Post by Stefan Ram
void f( void )
{ char buffer[ MAX ];
/* . . . */
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer )); }
. Can you see what the bug is?
(I have already read the answer; I post it as a pastime.)
The optimizer deletes the memset statement because buffer is not
accessed after it?
Chris M. Thomasson
2024-03-20 19:37:17 UTC
Post by Stefan Ram
void f( void )
{ char buffer[ MAX ];
/* . . . */
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer )); }
. Can you see what the bug is?
(I have already read the answer; I post it as a pastime.)
Add in a volatile? ;^)
Chris M. Thomasson
2024-03-20 19:45:25 UTC
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by Stefan Ram
void f( void )
{ char buffer[ MAX ];
   /* . . . */
   memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer )); }
   . Can you see what the bug is?
   (I have already read the answer; I post it as a pastime.)
Add in a volatile? ;^)
Also, show us the definition of MAX...
Chris M. Thomasson
2024-03-20 22:02:14 UTC
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by Stefan Ram
void f( void )
{ char buffer[ MAX ];
   /* . . . */
   memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer )); }
   . Can you see what the bug is?
   (I have already read the answer; I post it as a pastime.)
Add in a volatile? ;^)
Instead of zeroing, what about filling it with random bytes reaped from
Keith Thompson
2024-03-20 23:19:46 UTC
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by Stefan Ram
void f( void )
{ char buffer[ MAX ];
   /* . . . */
   memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer )); }
   . Can you see what the bug is?
   (I have already read the answer; I post it as a pastime.)
Add in a volatile? ;^)
Instead of zeroing, what about filling it with random bytes reaped
from a TRNG?
Keith Thompson (The_Other_Keith) Keith.S.Thompson+***@gmail.com
Working, but not speaking, for Medtronic
void Void(void) { Void(); } /* The recursive call of the void */
Chris M. Thomasson
2024-03-21 02:45:14 UTC
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by Stefan Ram
void f( void )
{ char buffer[ MAX ];
   /* . . . */
   memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer )); }
   . Can you see what the bug is?
   (I have already read the answer; I post it as a pastime.)
Add in a volatile? ;^)
Instead of zeroing, what about filling it with random bytes reaped
from a TRNG?
Those zeros might be "targets" for a nefarious program?